Chapter 10 - Tapping ✅

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Third person PoV:

Harry was woken up by the urgent tapping on the window of the room he was sleeping in. Looking over he noticed it was an eagle owl, one of the many that the Malfoy's owned. Draco wasn't meant to be contacting Harry about when and how he was coming for another four days now. Realising it must be important, Harry quickly threw the covers off him and leaped out of bed. He unhatched the rusted window latches to let the giant eagle owl fly in.

As Harry was about to turn grab the letter off the owl, it had came and landed on his shoulder, dropping the letter in the raven haired boy's hand.

'Heh... I guess the Malfoy's have some very well trained birds.' I thought to myself, smiling slightly.

The letter was written in a scrawl, as if the recipient was in a hurry. Harry knew Draco wouldn't write like this unless he was in a dire state of panic and, or being rushed. Harry Looked closer at the unusually messy scrawl as he tried hard to make out what it says as the ink was blotchy.


The Dark Lord marked me, I'm coming to meet you at the muggle side of 9 3/4, Kings Cross. I'll explain more when we are safe.


Harry looked up from the parchment and sprinted across to his unpacked trunk that sat in the corner of the bedroom. He grabbed the first pair of clothes in sight, not caring about them matching. Harry was running down the several flights of stairs two at a time, He ordered Kreature to apparate him to Kings Cross to pick up Draco and to get another bedroom ready and made up for the blond to sleep in.

Kings Cross Station was in total darkness. Like Harry had said, its about 2am and everywhere is closed apart from a small 24hr cafe. Harry sprinted quietly under his invisibility cloak to where Platform 9 3/4 was. He was hoping to see Draco standing there, Harry looked around; panicked as he couldn't see the annoying blond haired prat.

'He has to be around here somewhere.' I thought. I knew panicking a lot, probably too much if you asked anyone else. 'What if death eaters caught him escaping?' 'What if they were torturing him right at this very moment?'

Just out of no where Harry heard the rumbling of an engine. He turned and was faced with Draco getting off the purple knight bus. Racing up to him, Harry threw his invisibility cloak over the blond boy and the two made their way quietly to Grimmauld Place.


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