Chapter 23 - Outcasted ✅

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It has been a month since Harry and Draco moved back to England, Narcissa was getting on well with the mind-healer. Now Harry had to get on with going about the Diagon Alley branch of Weasley Wizard Wheezes. He'd avoided it long enough and had let the staff do most of the work, but he had to go down there sometime or other.

News had reached the Prophet that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy had both returned from the dead. Draco had already undergone the scalding glares of the crowd, since Harry had been too afraid to go out.

Harry didn't even want to think about the looks he was going to get, he just hoped that no one would pay too much attention at his entrance to the Alley or the shop. Sighing the man tapped the bricks in the order that they were supposed to be tapped in and the wall unfolded, revealing the Wizarding shops. Places that he hadn't been to in at least half a decade, the last time he'd seen the Alley was through a pitiful news paper clipping. Shop windows had been smashed, windows and doors had been boarded up and rubbish lay all over the ground.

Harry quickly made his way through the crowd of people, picking out people he recognised and trying to stay as far away from them as possible. He kept his head down, his eyes looking at the ground, with his bangs covering his famous scar that was also covered in concealer. He'd grown quite used to wearing it around the American Wizarding shops and even when he was out in the muggle world.

Harry safely managed to get to the twins shop without anyone stopping him, as he walked in Harry notice that he'd been seen by the staff members as they whispered, he occasionally looked up and watched as he walked into the back room. He sighed, 'People really don't have any respect for me, huh?'

A/N - I know it's not much, I really don't have anymore motivation for this book anymore. I will be finishing it off in the next couple of chapters, have a great night or day wherever your at in the world.

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