Chapter 5 - Returning home... with a plan ✅

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Third person PoV:

Harry left Draco's room in the Slytherin dungeons late that night after his and Draco's brief plan being made. All in all he was feeling very relieved, when he had originally thought of the plan months ago, he realised he could never do that by himself. It just felt right bringing someone with you even if they had been your enemy for years.

As he travelled the empty halls he realised how much he had enjoyed his five day break. It had really been a relaxed time, and he knew how much he was going to really miss it. It had been peaceful, he had no Ron encouraging him to play a stupid game, no Hermione nagging at him to do his schoolwork and no Ginny clinging to his arm like it was her lifeline. Oh Merlin he was going to miss Draco's room.

His excuse the next morning when he showed up to the great hall was that he hadn't being  feeling well and hadn't wanted to talk or leave his bed, he using heavy concealing charms.

Harry kept sending owls to Draco throughout their last two weeks of Hogwarts, although with a different owl that wouldn't be as well recognised. That was the only bad thing about having a snowy white owl with black specks; that they were too well seen.

The plan was set, a week into the holidays Draco would leave to go to Diagon alley that morning and slip though the leaky cauldron to the muggle world. He said he would get the knight bus to the edge of Grimmauld Place and Harry would leave his house and meet Draco. They would the figure out a way to get out of the country but until then they would stay in Grimmauld Place which had locked down the wards when Sirius had died...


Harry was now on the train home, his final train ride from Hogwarts; he couldn't believe it. It was something so little that would change his entire life. Now the more Harry thought about it the more it seemed impossible and why on earth did he decide to tell Malfoy of all people?! Nevermind offer to bring him along. Now that just didn't make any sense at all... but it did. Ron and Hermione had betrayed him and he knew he would never see past what was going on. He would finally be free and that's all that matters.

Draco was sitting in a different carriage from Harry, on the other side of the train. Yes, Blaise and Pansy were there, but they didn't care, they never did. Whatever Draco was feeling at that moment didn't matter, his thoughts never mattered. His parents just wanted Draco to have pureblood Slytherin friends, even if they had to pay people! He sighed thinking back to the plan that had been created by the golden boy of Gryffindor and himself. 'It would all be over soon now, he would run away with Potter... the most unlikely person ever but that didn't matter. Not now not ever. Nothing ever mattered',

They would finally escape.


First day of online school... yay. I didn't understand a word of it

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