Chapter 17 - Narcissa ✅

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I am sorry I have not owled you yet. I am safe, with another missing magical child that has ran away. I am sure you know who, as I know the Prophet has wrote about him. We are safe in another country, even if we are living illegally. Because of this, we haven't been admitted to illvermony or any other magical schools. Both of us still got our letters to Hogwarts this year, both attached with tracking charms that we were smart enough not to activate by opening. We sent owls back saying that we would not be attending anymore.

We have managed to get a small house in a no-maj place, with goblin wards surrounding it. It's safe for us to stay low and keep using magic. We are planning on tutoring ourselves until we can take our NEWTs and become legal citizens of the country we are living in.

I hope you are well and the dark lord is not being too harsh on you or father. Has You-know-who or father got any plans to find me or my friend? Please tell me if he does, I want to be able to prepare or be able to lay low if he comes near us. Has father disowned me or do I still have access to the Malfoy fortune or my trust vault?

If you do not feel safe in the manor, please tell me and I can get a portkey sorted for you.

I have attached a journal of some sort that you can write in and that I can write back to you. Please do not send a return owl, father will want to know who you are sending it to. Instead write your reply in the journal I sent and I will answer back.

Burn this letter after you have read it,

Your Son.

"Does this look okay, Harry?" Draco asked before going to put it in an envelope.

Harry took the letter from Draco and briefly read it, handing it back with a smile he said, "Perfect."


Narcissa heard a tap from the window of her study. She refused to even be near Lucius after their son ran away, she moved out of the master bedroom and into a slightly smaller one at the end of the hall. It included her own study through a separate door and a private bathroom on the other side of the room. Getting up off her seat, she walked over to the window and opened it, an unfamiliar tawny owl swooped in and sat on her desk. She noticed the letter that was attached that seemed to be shrunk. When the letter was untied the owl flew back out the window leaving Narcissa completely alone. Spelling an engorgio on the letter it grew into a small parcel. Taking the parcel she checked it before opening it.

Her lips immediately turned upwards into a smile. She was so happy to hear from Draco that he was safe and with someone he could talk to. She hoped they were getting on from the amount of past letters that she had read from Draco complaining about him. Though she did frown at the fact that he was living in another country illegally and wouldn't be able to go to school.

The questions pained her, she knew of course who he had ran away with. Lucius and the dark lord had been angry when he escaped, something that had managed to get her on the wrong end of the dark lords wand. That didn't matter to her though, as long as her baby was safe.

She smiled at the offer that her son made, it certainly wasn't easy living with the dark lord in your house, of course he knew this. He had experienced the the tension, constantly walking on eggshells, knowing that if you did one thing wrong it would warrant a nasty crucio.

She folded the letter and put it in the fire, just to make sure that there was no magic registered on the wards that would lead to suspicion. She unwrapped the box that was attached to the letter and took out the leather bound journal, thing about what she was going to write before putting ink to parchment.


I hope this finds you as well as you said you were in your letter, I am as good as can be walking on eggshells. I am... displeased that you are unable to find a place in a magic school, although I understand that you and your 'friend' need to lay low for a while.

For your questions; your father and Him, they believe you dead. They cannot track you through the dark mark and He has said that you had found a way to remove it (which to him is impossible) or that you are dead. Though I now believe that you have found a way to remove it.  As for your next one, your father has indeed disowned you from the Malfoy fortune and gotten rid of your trust vault. He is trying to persuade me to have another child. Luckily for me, by our marriage contract that we signed, I only need to have one child to fufill my end of the contract and I do not wish for a second child.

Me and your father, however, are not speaking at the moment never mind sharing the same room.

I will keep your offer in mind if the manor becomes too dangerous or risky for me.

Do not forget that I love you, my sweet child.

Thank you,

Narcissa closed the journal and set it in the secret drawer underneath the desk. She sat down and sighed deeply, still smiling. She decided that she would go and have a shower and an early night. She had much to think on but could feel the weigh of her biggest burdens lift off her shoulders. She knew her son was safe.


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