Chapter 15

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"Luke,Luke, wait up, if you go to the nurse, she'll see the burns.She'll send you to guidance."

"Quick come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, when we get there."

(they arrive at another school)

"Luke why we at another schoo?"

"This is where my mum works."

"Why are we here??"

"I have to confront my Mum. Remember how the other day I showed you the severe burn? She doesn't know about it........And I have to tell her. Plus I promised I would speak at the ant-bullying day assembly."

Luke and Isabelle walk down the hallway to the class that LIz teaches.

Luke knocks on the door.

"Hey mum, I have to tell you something."

"Hold on a second, everyone, my son is here. I'll be out in the hallway if anyone needs me."

"Whats wrong Luke?"

"Lately I haven't been that honest with you  I mean I have brought it to your attention once that I've been harming myself.The other day, I took it a little far and I burned myself really bad........I thought you'd like to see."

"Aww oh my god Luke. Show me."

(Luke rolls up his left sleeve revealing the large ugly burn mark)

"Baby, please don't do this anymore, it's not healthy, nor safe."

"Mum...., I'm two days clean. Izzy made me flush all my lighters."

"That's good. Honey, if you ever feel the need to hurt yourself, please don't hesitate to talk to me."

(they hug)

"Oh I think you two should make it down to the auditorium so you can make your speech."

(they all walk down to the auditorm and luke goes up on the stage)

"Hi Im Luke Hemmings, I'm Liz Hemmings son. I'm here for a very special reason. Today is the day where we all take a stand as people against bullying. And I, for one has been a victum of bullying for a few years now. I've been beaten senselessly, thrown against locker, being called names. A recent issue is on the rise for cyber bullying, many of may have experienced hate on Twitter, Facebook, ect. And let me tell you it's horrible to read anything bad about yourself. I am currently a victum of online bullying as well, and it takes a toll on you as well. The words and actions of people have gotten to me in the past couple of weeks, I've tried suicide, once. I thought that was the only way out, for me and it's not. I releazed I can't leave my girlfriend in this world by herself. It wouldn't be fair. Another result of me getting bullied is self harm. Many people think self harm is just cutting, it's not. There's other forms of self harm as well, lile burning. I burn myself. I now live my life covering up my burns from people. Burning your skin, just fascades pain that's what my beautiful girlfriend, whose in the audience has told me. Today I would like to show the world what people have done to me, mentally and physically."

(Luke takes his jacket off)

"These are what my arms look like now. They're red, stinging, scared arms. No one deserves to ever be tormented. And no one deserves to go home every day and harm their bodies."

(tears start to fall down Luke's cheeks)

"There is hope for anyone out there. I'd like to tell you all that I'm 2 days clean. I threw away my lighters thanks to Isabelle, my girlfriend. And I do not plan on ever harming myself again. Because if I do, I will let everyone down especially my parents and Izzy."

(Everyone starts cheering)

"Thank you everyone for having me. Have a good rest of your day. Thank you. And if theres anyone out there currently hurting in anyway, I want you to know that I'm there for you, please stay strong. It'll get better soon, I promise."

I Bullied Luke Hemmings (Luke and Izzy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now