Chapter 14

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During math instead of Luke paying attention he decided to make a list all the covers he would like to make for his Youtube channel.

After math was over Luke and Izzy held hands to walk to Global History. They talked in the process of walking. This is how the conversation went down.

"i forgot to tell you earlier but I'm so proud that you're 2 days clean."

"Thanks, honestly, i couldnt do this without you."

"What is the next song on your list to cover??"

"i was thinking of doing I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars."

"Oh my gosh thats freaking perfect. You need to do that!!"

"ok, then i'll do it when i get home."

When Isabelle and Luke arrived at their Global History class the biggest jock in the entire school  was standing in the middle of the classroom.  He stopped Luke right in his tracks.

"Hey are you Luke? He asked.

"Yes I am."

"You like Manchester United, ahah that time sucks, Barcelona for the win."

"I don't really care. Just stick being the popular kid and leave us freshmen a lone. Now if you don't mind me and my girlfriend her would like to sit down and actually learn something."

"No wonder why I didn't know your name, you're one of the geeks, you're not popular at all."

" I really don't care. Take your air jordans and your nike shorts and shove them up your ass."

"Make me."

"Come at me bruh."

"I aint afraid of a fucking freshman."

(The popular kid attempts to hit Luke's arm)

"Fuck you that really hurt."

"Why did it hurt I barely touched you."

"I don't have to say anything."

"Im going to the nurse, bye."

"Luke, don't go to the nurse. Wait for me I'm coming."

I Bullied Luke Hemmings (Luke and Izzy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now