Chapter 55

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December 20th. 4am. The Hemmings family and the Maloney family head to Sydney National Airport. The plane leaves at 6am but they were told to come two hours earlier because of going through airport security.


"Last call for flight 830201 to Cambodia!"

Luke,Izzy and everybody else came running through the airport to get on the plane.

The plane ride is going to take about 10 hours.

Izzy and Luke sat next to each other on the plane. They were holding each others hands, the whole entire flight. Oh my god aww. <333

Approximately 10 hours later.

it was about 11pm when they touched down in Cambodia.

Everyone was just so excited when they walked through the airport.


'Same, Im so freaken happy. I can't wait to see what the hotel and what the animals look like. Maybe we can meet some of the village children or something.'

"Luke, do you think any of my blood relatives are still alive??"

'It's possible, in the morning we should go to the ancestry center and ask them for records.....we'll have to use your birth name though, so don't be shy."

'I hate my birth name Luke, you know i do.'

"I think its beautiful, just like you."

'Aw stop it you, you're going to make me cry.'

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