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By the time I wake up, Paul has already left for work. It's seven, I need to get up and get coffee, I have to get ready for work. And most importantly, I need to take that pregnancy test and find out what's going on with me. My eyes travel to the note on the nightstand.

Gone for work, I'll be back around three. See you then, I love you.

I get out of bed as my legs carry me to the bathroom, a sigh of anticipation leaves my lips—This is it. This is the moment of truth, the moment I'll find out if I'm pregnant or if it's just a pregnancy scare. But either way, I'll have an answer.

After holding the little stick in my hand until the timer on my phone goes off, I close my eyes for a moment. I'm trying to stay calm and just look at it and get it over with, all I have to do is look at the symbol on the stick. As I finally lift the stick into view as my lips part slightly as my eyes read the symbol that's appeared—my heart feels like it's going to stop at any moment now.

The knock at the door brings me out of my thoughts making me jump, I set the stick down and wash my hands as I go to open the front door. Renesmee stands in the soft glow of the sun that seems to bring out the bronze color of her hair and make it even more vibrant.

"Renesmee! How are you?" I step out of the doorway allowing her to come inside.

"Great, thanks. Actually, I wanted to see how you were doing." She follows me to the couch where we sit. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm good, things are good. Do you know what's going on tonight?" I ask her curiously.

"Jacob mentioned that we're all supposed to get together tonight, but he didn't really elaborate." She says.

As I listen to her words I want to ask her more about herself. I want to know what it was like for her being born into this world of the supernatural. I want to ask her how she felt about growing up around werewolves and vampires—But I can't.

If I ask her anything then she might speculate that something is up and I can't risk that happening.

"Are you okay?" Her voice doesn't hide the worry in the back of it. I nod my head trying to reassure her.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Just a lot on my mind..." I respond.
Technically it isn't a lie.

"What's going on?" She asks worriedly. My mouth forces out a smile.

"I'll be okay, I just need to stop thinking so much." I respond calmly. She seems to buy it.

Renesmee visits for a little while longer, we talk casually over coffee before she leaves soon after. When she leaves, I quickly get ready for my morning shift at work as I finish what's left in my coffee mug. I put my work clothes on and grab the keys to my car as I begin driving in the icy snow.

As I clock into work I start up behind the register and begin checking customers in and out throughout the day. Bly comes in around noon giving me time to grab a coffee from up the street as I quick go back behind the register when I get back. It's hard for me to focus on anything today, it's hard for me to concentrate at all aside from the pregnancy test this morning.

Thankfully my shift ends around one pm and I drive home to the house. As I put on more comfortable clothes, the loose pair of sweats I never wear and the warm sweater in my drawer, I go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Once the tea is finished being prepared and carry my mug to the couch where I switch on the tv and sip the hot drink while I flip through tv channels until I find one I want to watch.

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