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The ringing sound causes my eyes to open as I sleepily answer the phone with my face resting against the pillow.


"Hey, what are you up to?" Matt's voice comes through the other line in a happy tone. I quickly sit up in bed as my eyes widen.

"Oh— I just woke up actually."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I can let you sleep if you want?"
My eyes glance down as Paul wraps his arms around my waist and burrows his head in my lap tiredly, my heart beat increases by the second.

"I'll call you back?" It sounded like more of a question rather than a statement but Matt chuckles softly.

"Of course you can, I'll talk to you later beautiful"

Our phone call ends as I run my fingers through my hair and quickly get out of the bed as I throw on my t-shirt that rests on the ground. I take this time to look at Paul who's lightly snoring from the bed, how could I have allowed this to happen? This is all my fault, I chose to do this last night— I cheated on Matt.
A wave of nausea hits me as I go to the bathroom and close the door before splashing my face with cold water. I look back at my reflection after drying my face with a towel, my fingers travel to my lips as I touch them with my finger tips as my mind travels back to the way Paul's lips felt against mine last night.

"This is so wrong." I whisper to myself. What was I thinking last night? Did I just let my emotions get the best of me? Regardless, I can't do this to Matt. I have to end things with him, this is completely wrong on so many levels and he doesn't deserve this. I don't want to hurt him even though unknowingly to him I already have.
The knock on the bathroom door causes me to jump as I slowly open it to find Paul standing there shirtless in his boxers.

"Hey" He says in a sleepy voice, his arms snake around my waist as he pulls me in. My arms automatically wrap around him as I lean into his chest. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept great" I breathe into him, he places a kiss on top of my head before letting me go.

"Me too. Do you want me to cook breakfast?" His eyes seem happier than I've seen them in a while.
We always used to have breakfast together, but now things have changed—We should talk about this. It's not fair to do this to Matt and I should end things with him before continuing any of this with Paul.

"Wait, shouldn't we talk about last night?"

"What about last night?" Paul says letting out a smooth exhale.

"We had sex..." I state in a obvious tone.

"No way."

"Paul, come on I'm serious. We have to talk about this. This isn't fair to Matt, I should break things off with him..." My voice trails off as I follow Paul into the kitchen.

"So break things off with Matt." He shrugs before opening the fridge, I frown softly. Why is he being so nonchalant about all of this?

"Okay, so then where does that leave us?"
There is a long pause between the two of us before Paul turns to face me. He closes the fridge and crosses his arms.

"Where does that leave us...? What do you mean?"

"I mean, we had sex last night and I don't think it just meant nothing." He raises a brow at my words before licking his lips causing them to shine. He ponders for a moment before speaking.

"Willow, if you want to break up with Matt because you feel like all of this is unfair to him then go for it. But don't do it because we had sex last night, it's not a big deal."
My jaw drops at his harsh words, I close my lips and frown as I slowly shake my head at his icy demeanor. How could I have been so stupid?

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