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"Willow" I hear Paul whisper my name, my eyes open from sleeping. I groan tiredly and turn over covering myself with the blanket.

I pull the covers over my face and sigh through my nose. I feel Paul gently place his hand on my shoulder.

"Willow, I'm sorry but I think I broke your coffee machine." He apologizes.

My body groggily sits up and I rub my eyes and look at Paul who's wearing a sheepish expression, I crawl out of bed. My coffee machine can be difficult to work because of how old it is, I really should by a new one.

"It's really old, it's probably jammed. I'll fix it for you." I say giving Paul a reassuring look.

I don't want him to feel uncomfortable or like he had done something wrong. He stood beside me as I carefully smacked the old coffee pot, after a few tries it finally turned on and began brewing. Paul sighs with relief.

"Oh, good. I was worried I broke it." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. A giggle escapes my lips at his words.

"No, it's ok, I've had this coffee pot for as long as I can remember. It's pretty old but it works so that's why I've kept it so long." I say as I grab a yellow coffee mug.

I am feeling pretty cheerful this morning and in a positive mood. Paul notices the colorful mugs again and he smirks at my strange habit of picking a colored mug with my mood. An embarrassed grin plays on my lips and I look downward.

"I've never met anyone who does that before. I like that you pick a mug depending on your feelings, it's different and unique." He compliments.

Paul's words make me feel happy inside and I turn to face him.

"What color mug would you like? You can pick whichever color you want." I respond happily.

I don't want him to feel obligated to choose a mug color by his mood, even if it is an odd habit of mine. Paul grins and reaches for a yellow mug.

"I'm happy, so I pick yellow." He grins beautifully.

The fact that Paul is going along with my mug color mood coordinated makes my heart feel warm and light. He was so sweet and genuine. I pour our mugs with coffee and creamer as we sit down at the small dinning room table and begin to sip our drinks. Paul takes another sip of the warm liquid before speaking.

"Do you have any eggs?" He suddenly asks.

"I do!" I chirp.

Paul smirks and looks at me causing my heart to jump nervously.

"Bacon?" He asks raising a brow.
I nod my head up and down to his question.

"What if I cook us breakfast? You made dinner last night." He offers.

I smile at his offer as I get up and grab the eggs and bacon from the fridge and set them down on the counter.

"Okay, you can make us breakfast." I say giving him another shy smile.

After Paul and I finish our eggs and bacon, we washed our mugs and plates. We take turns going to the bathroom to brush our teeth and I make sure to wash my face and comb my hair. I don't want to not wear any makeup today so I throw on some concealer and a bit of mascara to make myself look a bit more presentable. I glance at the time on my phone that's sitting on the bathroom counter, I still have a while before I have to go into work.
Living in Forks was so different from living Colorado but I liked how different it was.

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