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The sun shining in the room from the window causes me to wake up earlier than I had wanted to. I look at my phone which is sitting on the nightstand beside me, the time reads seven am. Beside me lays a sleeping Paul, a smile grows on my lips as I hear soft snores leaving his lips. He looks so peaceful the way his hair is swept out of his face— he looks so iridescent.
Careful not to wake up Paul, I slowly and quietly make my way out of the bed and into the bathroom. I close the door and splash my face with cold water to wake myself up more. I make my way out of the bathroom and walk to the kitchen where I find a coffee pot, after making a pot of coffee I search for the mugs until I find them. Pouring myself a cup and adding in creamer I sit down at the dining room table and begin to drink it slowly.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Paul says in a tired alluring tone, I turn to him and smile shyly.

Gorgeous? There's just no way he hasn't used these lines on many girls before me. Part of me wants to believe he's being sweet but I am sure he's used that line on many girls he wakes up to the morning after.

"Good morning." I greet with a quiet titter following after. He grabs a mug from the cupboard and pours himself a cup joining me at the table.

"How did you sleep?" He asks, he takes a sip of his coffee and I smile.

"I slept great! Normally I wake up during the night, but that didn't happen last night." I say.

He looks down and grins making my heart beat increase. He has the most beautiful smile.

"Good, I'm glad. I slept good too, I was really tired so I just passed out." He speaks.

Paul soon looks like he's hesitant to say something, he looks almost nervous. I smile at him in a friendly manner.

"What?" I ask softly.

He looks away nervously, and then our eyes meet.

"I wanted to see if you had anything planned later today and if you didn't, I wanted to invited you to La Push." He asks hopefully. He smiles showing me his perfect teeth.

"No, I don't have anything planned for today. I'm off work." I happily state.

Normally on a day off I wouldn't have anyone to do anything with, But I am more than happy to spend time with Paul.

"I haven't been to La Push in ages!" I exclaim, "Quil and I used to go during the Summer when we were little before my mom and I moved away."

"I'm happy to be someone you can experience it with again." He says.

He seems so genuine and kind, and for a moment I find myself day dreaming about him... His warm eyes, the alluring sound of his voice, his perfect smile... I wonder what he looks like without a shirt on. I have no doubt in my mind that he has abs. Paul seems to notice my zoning out.

"Are you alright?" He asks curiously, I nod and give an awkward smile.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I just zoned out I suppose." I say trying to play it off. I quickly push away the intrusive thought from my mind and I look down to see that I've finished my coffee; Paul looks down at his mug which appears to be empty as well.

"No worries." He chuckles. I give him a small smile.

"Hey... Would you be able to give me a ride back to my apartment?" I ask bashfully.

"Of course. Let me throw on something else and I'll grab my keys." He says and places our now empty coffee mugs in the sink. He walks down the hallway and into his room and I get up to follow him.

"Thank you." I softly mumble.

I make my way into his room to grab my clothes after I set them beside the bed last night but my eyes widen at the sight before me. Paul is in the process of taking his shirt off, I try to divert my eyes to look at anything else in the room as my heart beat increases and my cheeks turn pink. But I can't help but stare at is very toned body, wow... He looks so flawless. He catches me glancing and smirks.

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