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My head turns to face Sam, I realize that Paul could be here any minute after Sam calls him and I have no idea how I look right now. I haven't been in front of the mirror since I was checking my rear view mirror before driving last. For all I know, I could have large apparent fangs in my mouth, my hair is probably a mess despite how soft it feels recently. If Paul is going to see me in my new form, it would be better if I tried to look more human and less frightening if I have blood on the corners of my mouth I should wipe that away.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I ask. Sam nods not questioning why I would now have to use the restroom. Unless vampires use the bathroom? I don't feel any urges...

"Of course. Just down straight down the hallway." He informs me. I follow his instructions as I make my way to the bathroom.

The walls are painted white with a ceramic tub that has a shower curtain and a shower head attached to the wall. The small green plants are hanging from the walls in a nice organization, I turn my head to face my reflection in the mirror. My mouth parts at my appearance, I don't look scary at all. My skin is as soon as marble, my eyes are no longer the hazel color I remember them being. They now resemble dark red cherries, that's going to take some getting used to for sure. I still look like myself only a more flawless version; my hair is untangled luckily though I run my fingers through it just to make it look a little more presentable.

I turn my head toward the closed door, I can hear the sound of the ringing from the phone as if it were right next to my ear even with Sam standing across the room from me right now. Everything is so clear now that it's odd to me, I'm not used to this. The nervous feeling continues to wash through me, I am sure if my heart could beat right now I would be having some form of heart palpitations. I hurriedly rush out of the bathroom to go back to the living room where Sam is. I decide on standing in the corner of the room quietly while he's on the phone.

"I think you need to come over." Sam tells him calmly.

"What's wrong? Did you hear from Willow? Is she okay?!" Paul sounds so frantic.

My chest stings painfully at his panicked voice, I close my eyes and look down in shame.

"She's okay. She's here with me."

My eyes snap open, I look over at Sam who gives me a reassuring expression.

"Where did you find her? Is she unconscious? I want to talk to her." Paul crucially insists.

"She's not unconscious. But I think it's better if the two of you talk in person. She's okay, just remember that." Sam speaks assuringly.

"I'm on my way." The call suddenly drops as Sam turns to face me, I fold my arms over my chest as my nails dig into my skin in anxiety.

"Is this a good idea?" I puzzle worriedly. My emotions are all over the place right now.

"Everything is going to be okay, trust me." Sam responds.

I turn my head realizing I hadn't said that loud enough for a human to hear. I didn't even realize I asked him that, I just really feel so out of it.
We wait in silence for what feels like hours; but I know it's only been seconds of agony.

The sound of a car pulling up comes into my ear sight, the racing heartbeat, the familiar smell of delicious fruits from when I first entered Sam'a house. I know he must be here. The footsteps can be heard against the ground outside and I know they're getting closer, they step hurriedly against the wooden porch while a knock can be heard on the front door. My eyes flicker to Sam, his expression remains calm.

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