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Maybe I should call him— It's been two weeks. But I don't want to come off as overbearing toward him. Should I call him? Maybe I should just drive over there and see how he's doing. Who am I kidding... I can't do that.

That would be entirely inappropriate, he's my ex and that would probably make him feel weird. Not to mention how it might make Matt feel. But yet again, Matt didn't care that I had dinner with Paul. After turning my blinker on, I made the left turn on the road that takes me to Paul's house.

As I keep my hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, I notice my knuckles beginning to turn a shade of white. I let out a large breath as I pull my car into Paul's driveway, as I gently close the door my legs carry me to the front door. Hesitation washes over me before I knock on the door, a few seconds pass by before the door opens.

My eyes meet the warm onyx ones and before me stands there beautiful bronze skinned man. He flashes me a grin exposing his white teeth.

"How are you doing?" I ask him quietly, my lips return a friendly smile.

"All better now." Paul's tone is cheerful and kind.

He shrugs before moving out of the doorway, I step inside. The house still has that soft scent of pine, as I follow Paul to the kitchen he grabs a beer from the fridge.

"You want anything to drink?" He asks me. "Sure, I'll have a beer too."

He glances at me with a smirk before handing me a beer, I open it and take a sip of the cold liquid. We take a seat at the dining room table as I take another sip of my beer, I can't help but look at his stunning appearance. It really is unfair for someone to be that good looking. His eyes meet mine for a moment before I speak.

"I came by the night of the accident..." My lips blurt out the words.

But I want him to know I came to see if he was okay—Even if he was unconscious at the time. His lips curve upward into a small smile.

"I know. They told me." As he responds he glances down at the table before taking a sip of his beer.

But he doesn't know what I had to say to him, he needs to know,  I want him to know. I take another sip of my beer and let out a sigh.

"Paul, I'm really glad you're ok. I mean that." The words leave my lips as our eyes meet. "I don't know what I would of done if—" My voice stops.

He slowly shakes his head and gives me a reassuring expression with his kind eyes.

"I had come to tell you something that night. I needed you to know how I felt." As I speak, Paul keeps his expression soft but there's something behind his eyes that I can't read.

For a moment I see what looked like sadness flash across his face. But he covers it up quickly with his kind eyes.

"You weren't awake and I really need you to hear it now that you're better..." Maybe this is stupid, maybe I'm making an idiot of myself right now but I still want him to know the truth. I keep my eyes locked with his as he takes a deep breath, is he nervous? He can't be as nervous as I feel right now.

"Paul, I-"

"Willow, I heard everything." He says softly.

"What? No, listen— I know I've said some things in the past during fights but you haven't heard everything. Just listen to what I have to say and then I'll go, but I need you to know this." I begin to ramble on nervously as the corner of Paul's lips turn up in a small smile. What's he smiling at?

"No, Willow, I mean I was awake when you told me."  He gently speaks.

"You were awake?" I feel my cheeks warm up. He nods.

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