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It came to me like a wave of the ocean, a rough wave of agony. The realization that I had pushed her so far away from me, the realization that I had lost her forever. My Willow.
I watched as she got into her car and began driving away, for a moment I debated calling her. Trying to reason with her, trying to find a way to tell her why I had to let her go without telling her. Knowing that I was the reason she had been so ripped apart for these past few months tormented me on a daily basis. Watching my Willow kiss these men in order to try to make an attempt at forgetting me shot an anger through me that I've never felt before. But I know I can't be angry with her, it's myself that I hate—I'm the one who told her to let me go. She had to let me go, I needed her to let me go in order to insure that she was safe. But I broke her heart and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself for that.
As I got in my car I debated with myself once more if I wanted to call her, tell her everything—But that wasn't possible. She was gone, she had to let me go and so she did. It wouldn't be right calling her, she's with Mark, or Matt, or whatever his name is. At least she's smiling, that's more than I can be thankful for. Seeing her smile is like seeing a sunrise for the first time, it was breath taking and utterly beautiful. She is breathtaking, she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And yet, I had to let her go.

The sudden crash caused a groan of pain to come from my lips as the glass from my window smashed. Glass shards went flying but that was the least of my concern, the sharp pain that seemed to be coming from my body caused my breathing to become raged.  I pulled myself up from the seat as each movement of my body caused more sharp pains to echo through my body making me wince. The sound of a car speeding off could be heard, was I just in a hit and run?

"Ugh..." I groaned in pain as I touched the top of my forehead. Dark red blood stained my fingers as a heavy sigh left my lips. I reached for my phone as I called Sam knowing he'd be able to help me. I couldn't exactly go to the hospital for these injuries when my body was going to heal this cut on my forehead in a couple of hours. If I've broken any bones—Which it feels like I have, that however will take days to heal.

"Can you come get me? Bring the pack too..."

"Sure, what's going on?"

"I just got into a pretty bad car crash. I'm pretty sure I broke some bones." I breathe out as a few groans leave my lips.

"Where are you?" Sam asked urgently.

"Near the old restaurant on Sycamore street. Might wanna hurry."

The call ends as I drop my phone down on the seat beside me. A sigh leaves my lips as I lean back against my seat and close my eyes trying to remain calm from the pain shooting through my body.
I have to fight myself on calling her, she doesn't need to know about this. Her life is going great, she said it tonight. She doesn't need this. I tried to push away the agony that threatened to torment me once more at the thought of Willow. Maybe this is my sort of karma for breaking her heart, but I never meant to do that. I didn't plan any of this—I just wanted to keep her safe. I mutter a curse word under my breath as I listen to the sound of the rain pattering against the broken windshield as the rain drops began to hit my aching skin. Just my luck.

"Paul!" Sam's voice rang through my ears as my eyes opened. The car door opened in a loud creaky manner as I held my breath while gritting my teeth. My body was being lifted from the car and into Sam's car by the rest of the pack.

"It's okay, buddy." Jared's voice.

"You're going to be alright." Jacob spoke. I knew he of all people could relate to this physical pain my body was enduring.

"What the hell happened?" Leah. I continued to grit my teeth—isn't it obvious what happened? I think mentally. But Leah ignores my comment as they helped me into the car, I closed my eyes one last time trying to fight back on screaming from the pain my body felt.
The blackness took over my eyes for a while until I woke up in my bed. What the hell is this?! I growled angrily as I looked across the room to see no more than a blood sucker. But this particular blood sucker just so happened to be Dr. Carlisle Cullen— as my eyes adjusted to the lit room I breathed raggedly.

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