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My alarm goes off and I sit up in bed, the sunlight shines through my room and I get out of bed feeling a little tired. Last night I had a little bit of trouble falling asleep but I didn't want to wait and see if I would eventually doze off so I took some sleeping medication and that did the trick. I turn on the coffee machine, as the coffee begins to brew I make my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Paul's toothbrush sits on the counter and I feel a strange longing to see him in my chest. Maybe I will call him after I finish my coffee and see if he has any plans for today, it is my day off after all.
The smell of coffee fills the air and I go back to the kitchen and grab a yellow mug, after pouring myself a cup of coffee and dressing it up to my liking I sit down on the sofa and turn the tv on. The buzzing of my phone grabs my attention and I look to see who texted me. It was Paul, a smile forms on my lips.
Good morning, how did you sleep? I want to giggle, I can almost hear the smugness in that text. My fingers type back against the phone screen and I take a sip of coffee.

Good morning. I slept alright, how did you sleep? Within a couple of minutes my phone goes off again.

It wasn't awful, but it could have been a lot better.

Maybe he was right, maybe he and I just slept better beside one another. But it's not like we had slept together for weeks and weeks, it had only been a couple of times.

A sigh leaves my lips as I try to reason with myself and find a logical reason as to why I feel this strange longing to be near him. I miss him, he has been on my mind a lot and when he is around me I just can't help myself but to smile. I shake my head from side to side and take another sip from my mug, I really should get ahold of myself.

Another breath leaves my lips, and I run my fingers through my hair. I feel like I am in denial about my feelings for him or perhaps I just do not want to accept the fact that I have feelings for him. Maybe I am afraid of getting hurt, I haven't had the best luck with relationships hence why I moved out of Colorado. I had dated my stalker for two weeks and it all went down hill when I decided to end things with him.

He seemed to take it quite well and then the phone calls started. I shudder at the memories and decide to push the thoughts out of my mind. My phone buzzes and I see that I have a text from Jessie, I unlocked my phone to answer it.

Do you have any plans today? Jessie.

My day is filled with nothing other than running a few errands and doing some cleaning in my apartment that I need to catch up on. I'm not a clean freak, however I do like to keep a clean place.

I'm free, what's up? 

Do you want to come out with me tonight? I'm going to get a few drinks at a bar in town. Jessie.

I have never actually been to a bar before, but I'm up for going with Jessie.

Sure! What time?

Let's shoot for seven pm. Jessie.

See you then!

When I set my phone down I begin cleaning my apartment and making sure my bathroom mirror shines. My kitchen counters are spotless and I grab my oil diffuser, the place smells like jasmine oil by the time I'm finished cleaning everything.
Everything is finished and I sit down on the couch and pull out my phone to text my mom about coming to Forks next week.

Hey mom, I sent you a link for fairly priced airplane tickets I found. Are you still coming to Forks next week?

As I set my phone down I decide to make another cup of coffee, I feel unusually tired this morning. Maybe Paul really is right? After my coffee is brewing in the pot I figure I might as well send him a text. It's nice talking to him and just hearing about what he's up to.

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