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"What is it?" Oh no, he cannot see this. This is not okay, how has this package been addressed to me?! There must be some kind of a mistake. "No." I quickly object before standing in front of the open mail box, Paul smirks with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Okay" He states nonchalantly. He takes me by surprise by picking me up and throwing me over this shoulder once again. This feels so familiar like all the other times he would do it, only this time we aren't in a fight and I'm not drunk. "Paul!" I squeak and a musical laugh leaves his lips.
"What is that?" His humored voice rings through my ears and I can feel my cheeks warming up from complete embarrassment. The sound of the mailbox closing can be heard as Paul begins walking with me over his shoulder. "Please tell me you put it back. Or threw it away?" My mom would never get me such a thing, there has to be a mistake.
"Nope. I think it's hilarious" Of course he would.

"Are you serious?" He doesn't say anything as we enter my apartment and he sets me down on the couch with the box in his hand. I watch with wide eyes as he opens the package.
"Paul... Let's just throw it away" I tell him. This is so embarrassing. His gaze meets mine before a darkened smile appears on his face, he leans in closer to my lips before pecking them for a moment.
"Why not? Let's have a little fun with it. That's what it's made for after all" His low voice sends tingles between my legs as I do my best to gulp quietly. Yes that is what this pink rabbit vibrator is made for but I could never use one of those, not that I have anything against people who do use them. They just aren't for me. "I... I don't like them" I object feeling nervous yet turned on but I would never admit that to Paul.
"Have you used one before?"
"No" I admit sheepishly.
"Then let me try it out on you..." He murmurs and the wetness between my thighs grows as I cross my legs. He can't win this easily, where is my dignity? I cross my arms and look away before trying to hide my smile. "Definitely not" I quickly stand up from the couch and run to my bedroom but laughter leaves my lips when I feel his arms snake playfully around my waist. When I fall back against the bed, Paul begins tickling me mercilessly while I kick my legs and laugh.

"I give up!" My voice breathes in between laughter.

"Nah, I'm having too much fun"



My lips make their way to his arm as I sink my teeth into his skin, but not hard enough to draw blood or leave a mark. As I hoped my plan would work, he stops tickling me allowing me to catch my breath—A satisfactory smile spreads across my face. "You're not getting away so easily" Paul responds and gives me a sly expression.
"If you tickle me again I'll have no other choice but to bite you" I sit up on my elbows while Paul slowly leans closer to my face. I can feel my heart beginning to this roughly in my chest at the close contact, how can I be so nervous? Especially after last night. But he just always seems to have that effect on me. A smirk forms on his face as he glances down at my lips for a moment before meeting my eyes again. I can smell his delicious scent the closer he gets to me, I really hope I do not end up fainting right now.
"Why so nervous?" He asks, is it that obvious? Am I breathing quickly? I don't think I am.
"I'm not" I lie.
"I think you are"
"How can you tell?"
"Because your heart is racing rather quickly right now. You sound like a hummingbird" He tells me and I can immediately feel my cheeks warming up. Does he mean he can hear my heart beat? Surely not. "What do you mean? How can you tell?"
"I can hear your heartbeat"
"You can hear my heartbeat?" I respond quietly while my heart continues to pound wildly.
"I've always been able to, I just never told you" He answers nonchalantly, but how embarrassing. That means all those times I was nervous from his touch or when we would come close to kissing he could hear my heart racing. My teeth bite down on the inside of my cheek as I try to seem not as embarrassed as I feel. "Oh..." I should say something else, anything else but I can think of anything else to say.

"Relax. I like it. I've always liked the sound of your heartbeat." He says soothingly, my heart does not calm itself. A crooked smile forms on his face as he leans in closer to my face, his cool breath hitting my lips. If it is possible to have heart palpitations in this moment I am pretty sure it is happening now. He brings the palm of his hand up to cup my cheek before carefully pressing his lips against my own, I close my eyes and allow myself to melt into the kiss. How is it possible for me to love someone this much? Maybe I shouldn't have just thought that. But I do love him, I love the way he makes me feel even if my heart does beat quickly. I love him.
"Relax, hummingbird..." He murmurs against my lips making me suppress a shiver. I like this new nickname. I lean further into him deepening the kiss before we both pull away to catch our breath. My eyes lock with his for a moment before he places a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"I have to go" He says, disappointment fills me.
"Oh. Why?" I try not to sound so needy but I have a feeling I'm coming off very needy. Paul doesn't seem annoyed which I am thankful for. "I have work in a hour" He responds, "I'll be back over tonight"
I nod my head suddenly feeling robotic to whatever he wants me to do or whatever he wants to do, I suddenly want to do anything in the world to make him happy or to see him smile.
"Okay, I'll see you tonight" I tell him, he gets dressed and I walk him to the front door. As he turns to face me, he pecks my lips before leaving causing me to feel as if I am swooning after him, I probably am.

After completing another shift at work behind the register, I am thankful that Matt did not show up or text me at all. I am considering blocking his number on my phone, this is all becoming too weird for me. Him showing up at my job, trying to convince me that Paul had died, showing up at my apartment today, the seemingly endless texts. When I finish up with my shift and start my car, I quickly take out my phone. I block Matt's number before deleting it completely, there is no reason for him to me in my life anymore anyway. My phone rings loudly, the caller ID showing it's my mom.
"Hey, mom"
"Willow, honey! Your package has to be resent, apparently they lost it" She sounds annoyed but I can't blame her, I am sure whatever she actually picked out for me is great. With that being said, she definitely shouldn't find out about what was placed in my mailbox today by mistake. "That's okay—"
"So what was in your mailbox today? They thought another package had been for you, however they managed to mix that up" She asks curiously, I put her on speaker phone and begin to drive. My mind begins to think of innocent clever responses that don't involve telling her what was really in the mailbox. Speaking of dildos... Did Paul throw that thing away or leave it on my couch?
"Oh... It was a candle" I tell her, just a little white lie.
"A candle? Oh. Well are you going to keep it or try and send it back?" Here we go, now I've got to come up with another story. "No, I'm going to send it back..." I respond while I continue driving.
"Good, you're doing the right thing. I am sure whoever ordered that candle wants it." Oh my goodness. If only she knew... "Right" I clear my throat and continue driving.
"Well I was calling to tell you I am going to be flying in for your birthday! It was supposed to be a surprise but I couldn't wait" A smile grows on my face, I can't wait to see her and I am sure Paul will be happy to see her, too. "Really? I can't wait!" I exclaim and she chuckles.
"Yes, well I have to get off the phone—work. But I love you and I will see you soon."
"Love you."

The towel wraps around my body as I grab my brush and begin brushing at my wet hair that clings to my skin. After I am finished, I get dressed in some comfortable clothes before starting up a simple dinner in the kitchen. Salad with baked chicken for tonight, I go ahead and make extra chicken since Paul will be over tonight. While the chicken bakes, I go to the living room and sit down on the couch before jumping up in a hurry. I turn around to see that I accidentally sat on large pink dildo, a groan of annoyance leaves my lips as I pick the intimidating thing up and put it under my bathroom sink. I have got a remember to return that tomorrow!

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