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Book trailer is above. Thank you all for choosing to make Attraction your next read. I had no idea this story was going to become so popular when I started writing it three years ago. I really hope you all enjoy the story.


The smell of coffee fills the air around me in the small diner. I pour some of the hot beverage into a small mug before serving it to a customer who sat at the back of the diner. Tonight, is slow but I can't say that I'm complaining, I'll be off in two hours. Thankfully I just bought a bottle of red wine so I can have some when I get off, preferably over dinner and a good movie. As I return behind the counter, the speaker in the restaurant begins to quietly play a song that I know and love.

Wait a minute baby
Stay with me awhile
Said you'd give me light
But you never told me about the fire.

The bell from the diner interrupts my thoughts as it rings clearly. The entrance to the front door has opens as I turn my head to see a group of three tall men entering. They all appear very buff and their skin is a warm bronze with similar shades of dark locks from their heads. Cheerful expressions stay on their faces as they all seem to be speaking to one another all at once. They take a seat at a large booth; I take this opportunity to grab a few menus from behind the counter to hand to them. I walk over to the booth, while I set their menus down for them on the tables as I give them a polite smile.

Drowning in the sea of love
Where everyone would love to drown
But now it's gone
It doesn't matter what for
When you build your house
Then call me home.

"Welcome to Kirby's Diner. My name is Willow, and I'll be your server for tonight." I try to sound as friendly as I can, the tall three men smile at me.

"Thank you." One of the men responds politely. "Can I get a strawberry milkshake to start off with?"
I grab my notepad and write down the order.

"Can I get a Coke?" One of them asks.

"I'll have a water." The one with the more side swept hair replies. I write down their drink orders now, too.

"Absolutely. Are you guys ready to order food or would you like some more time?"

"More time, please." The man across from him closest to the window replies. I can hear the rain patting against the glass lightly which fills the silence around us. The light rolls of thunder come from outside, it's peaceful.

"Not a problem. I'll have that milkshake out for you in a second." I give them all a cordial smile. I turn around and walk back behind the counter as I wait while the milkshake is being made.

"Order up!" The chef in the back calls out to me. I grab the milkshake. As begin walking out from behind the counter, the entrance bell on the door rings again.

And he was just like a great dark wing
Within the wings of a storm
I think I had met my match, he was singing
And undoing, and undoing the laces
Undoing the laces.

"Paul!" I hear two of the men at the table call. "Back here." I continue walking with the cold milkshake in my hand. My body suddenly comes into contact with another body in a hard thud, I gasp sharply.

"Watch out!" One of the men at the table calls out to me, but it's already too late.

I yelp as I run into who I am assuming to be Paul, the cold pink milkshake has spilled all over my work uniform. My body meets the floor roughly and a sharp gasp leaves my lips at the realization of what has just happened. The warmth grows in my cheeks as embarrassment washes over me, my skin gets goosebumps from the cold liquid against my skin. I can hear a bunch of, ooohh and someone call out

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