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All of the cars in the lot are nice for what I was looking for in a car. Nothing too flashy, I want something to get me from point A to point B without breaking down all of the time and giving me problems every other week. But there is only one car I really and truly have my heart set on. Paul and I walk around the lot back to the Toyota Camry I had spotted earlier when we first arrived.

"That's the one." I turn as I smile at him.

"Are you sure?" He asks. "You don't want to look around some more?"

"Absolutely sure, I've always wanted a Toyota. This one is the right choice."

The Toyota Camry is finally my own to drive and the feeling of finally saving up enough that I have officially bought my own car makes me feel so proud of myself. I turn the radio on after Paul and I buckle up.

Three Doors Down - Here Without You begins to play softly and I sing inaudibly so he doesn't hear me. I have never been one to sing in front of people, in the shower by myself—yes, but never in front of anyone. I drop Paul back off at his place since he suggested that we take the bus to the car dealership so I could experience driving around Forks -with him. My drive back to my apartment is sweet and short, but I like it. I finally have my own car, I will have to call my mom today and tell her she won't have to worry about a cab when she flies into town.

The sound of the firewood crackling and the combination of the waves gently crashing against one another makes me feel so calm. Paul places his hand against my own, it feels so warm, I like it.

"Willow, things aren't the way you think they are. There are rumors and stories that you've heard that are true." Paul begins.
My eyes look up and meet his serious yet gentle brown ones.

"Like what?" I ask quietly.

"Like the legend of the Quileutes phasing into wolves, Willow... That's all real." He explains. For a couple of seconds I wonder if he is teasing me. But he looks very serious.

I blink. The words take a moment for me to process. Paul looks down at me patiently waiting for my response. Is he trying to play a joke on me? He looks so serious though, he doesn't look like he's joking at all.

"You mean, phasing actually happens?" I reply as I try to hide the disbelief in my voice.

"I promise, it's all completely real." He says as he stands up from where we sat on the large log and motions for me to follow him.

There isn't anyone else on the beach and I wonder what he's about to show me. We walk for a few moments before he turns to face me, he sighs softly and removes his shirt. I want to believe him, but right now I am just confused. There is no way it's real... It was just a story Quil and I heard growing up.

"Paul—What are you doing?" I ask curiously,

"Do you trust me?" He questions, our eyes lock on one another.

"Yes, of course." I reply to him.

My answer is honest and truthful. He gives me a half smile and takes off his shoes, he unbuckles his belt and removes his jeans shorts. I blink and my cheeks begin to warm up at the sight of him, he's so perfect looking. I quickly avert my eyes and glance at the water.

"No turning back now..." He whispers to himself.

Then, it happens.

The human Paul I knew has become the largest wolf I've ever come into contact with. The wolves on the nature shows I watch are the size of bobcats compared to what he has just phased into.
My eyes are wide and I feel my lips parting in surprise, am I hallucinating? No way... There's just no way. But here he is in front of me now, he's right here in front of me and I just watched this happen with my own eyes. The wolf whimpers softly and lays against the beach now, his eyes are gentle and friendly.

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