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My legs rest on Paul's lap as we sit on the couch together waiting for the football game to begin. I run my fingers through my hair as I wait for the timer to go off in the kitchen signaling that the wings are finished baking in the oven.

The knock at the front door makes me turn my head and I jump up from the couch feeling surprisingly chipper. I open the door to see Sam, Quil, Emby, Seth- who haven't officially met yet, Jacob and of course Renesmee who's smiling happily. Paul comes to the door to greet them as we all exchange and polite hello, as Renesmee and I go to the kitchen to chat. She turns to face me as she leans against the counter by the sink.

"How has everything been?" She fluffs her long curls.

"It's been going, I'm healing up nicely! What about you?" I ask her.

"I spent the day with my parents, I'm glad we get a chance to catch up again." She smiles and I return a happy grin.

"Do your parents know about Jacob? That's he's a werewolf I mean." I puzzle.

That question probably sounded dumb now that I think about it considering their daughter is a vampire human hybrid, but Renesmee answers graciously.

"They do, they are pretty open minded." She responds.

I nod my head suddenly wondering what would happen if my mom ever found out about Paul's secret- not that I would tell her.

"Do your parents know?" She asks.

"Oh...Well, I grew up hearing a few stories of werewolves but my mom doesn't believe they're real." I reply.

"What about your dad?" I look down and smile sadly before looking back up at her.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him since I was fourteen." I reply softly. Renesmee gives me an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry... I had no idea. I wouldn't have asked-"

"Don't be" I smile, "It was a really long time ago." The timer goes off breaking the silence that the wings and fries are done baking in the oven.

"I can help." She offers, I thank her and hand her a oven mitten as she grabs the tray of fries and I grab the wings.

We set the food on the table as the others come to get their plates and fill them with food. Paul comes into the kitchen behind Jared, he spots me and places a kiss on my cheek making my cheeks warm up. I can't remember Paul kissing my cheek in front of his friends before but it makes me happy that he's showing affection to me in front of them.

The rest of the boys- Paul included go to the living room and gather around the tv to watch the game while Renesmee and I stay behind. I notice she's taken a couple of wings and a few fries, I can't help but observe that she's eating them and seems to like it. I quickly look away before it turns into staring.

"You can eat food?" I ask her curiously. Renesmee laughs.

"Of course, I can survive on either." She informs me.

"Oh. Do you have a preference?" I ask. I am genuinely curious to know.

She pauses for a moment to finish chewing a bite she's taken of the wing.

"If I had to choose I guess I would choose animal blood. But food is just as good to enjoy." She responds.

I nod my head trying to understand what it must be like to be able to live on two substances one of them being blood. I can't help but feel like a bland human, I don't even turn into a mystical creature.

"You don't drink human blood?" I question her. She shakes her head no.

"My family and I only survive on the blood of animals." She gives me smile. It must be so breathtaking to be something aside from a human, I pause for a moment letting my mind carry me.

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