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"I have to get ready for work." A chuckle leaves my lips as Paul kisses my jawline.

My hair fans out around me on the bed and the sunset shines in through the window making Paul's skin seem to glow angelically. I sit up from the bed and turn to face him as he places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I'll call you after I get off." I say as I give him a small smile. He places his hand on the doorknob and turns to face me.

"If you need anything tonight, let me know and I'll be there." I nod my head. "I love you, Will." He reminds me with adoration in his eyes.

"I love you, too." I reply. The skipping of my heart doesn't subside and the warm feeling wraps around me from his words.

Paul goes to the front door and I give him a quick peck on the lips as he leaves. I walk to the bathroom and put my clothes in the hamper as I turn on the shower waiting for it to heat up.

The warmth of the water relaxes my skin as the smell of lavender fills the air, after I finish up with my shower I quickly wrap a towel around my body and dry off trying to warm myself up. I put on my work uniform and blow dry my hair after putting on some mascara for work tonight. I slip on my shoes, grab my keys, and lock the door behind me.

The air is cold and crisp tonight, steam blowing softly from my nose as I breathe. I unlock my car and sit down to start my car. Tonight will be the first night I've been to work since learning the news of Jessie's death. The ominous feeling doesn't leave me, I remember the phone call that took place after Jessie's funeral— I have only kept that to myself not even tell Paul about what happened. I don't want to worry him or for him to think I'm putting myself in a dangerous situation- it's reckless to talk to whoever this is, who I know it is but I can handle this. I need answers.

The bell rings as I walk into work, it's quiet tonight other than the soft sound of the radio playing in the background. There aren't many people here tonight but I don't mind, I don't think I could handle it if this place was packed tonight. It's going to be hard being here without Jessie again, she and I weren't best friends or overly close— but she was my friend and she was kind to me.

A sigh leaves my lips as I clock in and glance at her locker, bright yellow caution tape is placed over it. I guess they are investigating what happened to her, they should. Part of me wonders if I should contact anyone from Jessie's family and try to find out if they know anything about Liam.
But I don't want to bother them, they're grieving and they need time to heal. I grab a plate of food and take it to a booth in my station; I set the plate down I look up to meet the pair of light green eyes I remember seeing at the funeral. It's Regina. She takes a bite of a fry and smiles at me.

"Hey, It's Willow, right?"

"That's me" I reply giving her a smile, I push a strand of hair from my face.

"How are you?" She asks me, she dips another fry in ketchup and takes a bite of it.

"I've been alright, it's strange working here tonight. How are you?" I ask her. Regina smiles as she looks down at her plate before meeting my eyes again.

"I'm fine. I remembered you saying you worked with Jessie, so I came here to talk to you. When do you get off?" I'm slightly taken back that Regina came here to talk to me. Does she want to know the same information that I want to know? Does she know something I don't?

"I get off around nine. I can meet you somewhere if you want so you're not sitting here for hours." I suggest. She seems pleased with my answer given her expression.

"Okay. What about the coffee shop up the road?"

"That works. I'll see you then." I give her a smile before turning around to finish the rest of my shift.

The night goes by smoothly, Regina tips me one hundred dollars to my surprise- I don't know how to feel about being tipped such a large amount. It was very generous of her, I'll have to thank her when I see her. I finish up the rest of my shift and walk to the back where I clock out from work, taking another sorrowful glance at Jessie's locker before walking out of the back door to my car.
The drive to the coffee shop is just right up the road, I park my car and get out as I walk into the coffee shop. Regina sits at a nearby table, she looks in my direction and smiles in a friendly manner, I return the smile and take a seat across from her.

"Do you want anything?" She asks casually as she sips from a white mug.

"I could go for a hot latte, actually." I answer her. Regina stands from the table and grabs her wallet, I realize she's about to pay for my drink after giving me such a large tip tonight.

"Oh you don't have to do that-"

"It's nothing, I woke here so I get a discount." She cuts me off but flashes me a grin and walks to the register. I decide to relax and accept her kind offer, she returns with my latter and takes her seat.

"Thanks." I respond before I take a sip of the delicious drink.

"No problem. So, I want to break the ice with you and cut straight to the point." Regina begins, her expression remains calm. "I know you worked with Jessie, I know you guys were friends. Did she ever mention the guy she cheated on me with?" I can't help but feel some relief that I will maybe get some answers tonight about Liam and maybe find out more about the days that led up to Jessie's disappearance.

"Jessie talked with me about Liam sometimes at work..."

"Spare me the romantic details. How did they meet?" Regina takes another sip of her drink and waits for my reply.

"She told me she met Liam online. She said they hadn't officially met in person- he lived in another state. He flew here to surprise her and then that was the first time they met in person." I give her a sympathetic expression. Her eyes hold a sadness that I can tell she's trying to mask with her nonchalant expression.

"Did you ever see what he looked like?"

"No. But I know he had a girlfriend." I carefully inform her. Regina's eyes widen for a moment. "What?"

"Jessie came into work one night. She looked like she had been crying, eventually she told me Liam had a girlfriend. After work, Liam called her and she left. I never saw her again after that." I reply to her truthfully.
Regina takes and deep breath and shakes her head slowly, she takes another sip of her coffee.

"Five years with Jessie, five years and this is what I get." Regina sighs. I don't know what to say, I feel so sad for her and for the loss of Jessie.
"We had our fights but I didn't think she would ever cheat on me. She used to stay up for hours online but I never thought anything of it, she loved social media and computer games. I just didn't think something like this could happen. She was distant these last few months but I knew she was busy with her photography classes..."

"I'm so sorry... I had no idea- about any of this. I just knew about Liam..." I whisper the last part.               "I don't think I really knew Jessie."

Regina smirks and wipes a tear from her eye.
"I don't think any of us knew Jessie. I was going through her laptop last night and I saw that she was researching places in Bali for romantic getaways..." She rolls her eyes.

I don't know how to respond, I feel so shocked at learning this and I feel bad for Regina.
"I tried to find Liam on Facebook or the chat site she was talking to him on but I never found any pictures or anything like that." Regina speaks calmly, she glances around the coffee shop and pulls out a vanilla folder from her purse.
"I did find one, just a picture of the two of them. I printed it out because I need to find out who the hell this guy is. He had to of been the last person to see Jessie, right? I mean it's always the last person who see's them. It has to be." I open the folder slowly and I feel my stomach drop.

My blood runs cold, I feel like someone has taken my breath- I can't breathe. I can't even think properly. Regina's concerned voice is echoing in my ears but I can't make out what she's saying.
All I can do is stare at the photo in front of me.
The picture of Jessie, her hair down and around her shoulders and she's smiling happily. The arm around her is placed intimately, the familiar dark hair, the grin, the eyes I can't seem to forget.
The eyes that haunt me in the back of my mind. He is the one who stalked me through high school, the one who left notes at my doorstep, the one who watched me for years, the reason why I moved states to get away.

It's Dylan, Liam is Dylan.

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