Chapter 10

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Namjoon stretched his arms and wrapped them tightly around the three of them. He relished the warmth of their bodies along with their tears. Even Yoongi looked like he was about to cry.

Quite frankly, after Namjoon had escaped the hybrid facility with Jungkook, he had felt lost. He had been drifting about, never settling in one place in fear of getting caught and dragged back to that hell-hole. Jungkook was so very dear to him. He had become family to Namjoon over the year.

"Welcome back.. Namjoon".

Y/N had whispered those words so effortlessly. She had no idea how much those words meant to him. She had absolutely no idea.

His throat had clenched as Namjoon fought back the tears. He had choked out a feeble "I'm home" and truthfully?

Namjoon did in fact like he was home. Finally.

Suddenly remembering Seokjin, Namjoon sniffled loudly before pulling away from the hug. All of them threw him a dirty look like he had just kicked out an abandoned puppy.

"Well guys, I wanted to introduce you to the person who took care of me for this whole time" Namjoon looked up and grinned sheepishly "Seokjin Hyung".

Y/N got up and wiped her tears with her sleeve. Her eyes were rather red as if she had been crying for a long time. Not just today. Her eye bags were darker than normal too.

Has she not been taking care of herself? She really needs to get a goodnight rest. Jesus. Was she that worried about me?

His heart clenched.

"It's lovely to see you Seokjin," she managed to croak out, "If you want you can come in and have lunch with us? I think everyone here needs something to fill them up after all those emotions".

"Can we eat those cupcakes that Mrs. Crank gave us? They smelled amazing!" Jungkook cried out, his soft brown eyes wide and starry. "It's Mrs. Kang, kid. It would do you good to actually remember her name" Yoongi shook his head in exasperation at Jungkook.

"We can have them for dessert later" Y/N giggled lightly in response.

Did something happen while I was away? They seem a lot closer than before. Yoongi is actually smiling at Jungkook instead of his usual look of distaste. He looks nice when smiles...

"Well I'm on a seafood diet" Seokjin started.

Oh no. Oh no. Not again.

"I see food and I eat it." Right after, Seokjin burst out laughing. Namjoon always thought his laugh sounded a lot like a windshield wiper. It was the type of laugh that made you laugh even if the joke was bad. Namjoon slapped his hand on his face and groaned audibly "Hyung, just why?".

Seokjin stared back at Namjoon, offended. "Well excuse me, I'll have you know my jokes are fantastic!" He lifted his head up proudly. "It's not my fault you can't appreciate some humor"

Namjoon swore he saw the hair at the base of Seokjin's neck glow slightly white in that moment.

His hair was supposed to be black though?

It could mean something but it could also be part of his imagination.

It's probably just the sun. I just need some sleep. Yeah that's what I need.

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