Chapter 14

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Jungkook couldn't sleep.

It's not the first time he had trouble sleeping so he merely slipped out Namjoon's arms and tiptoed out the door. Hyung was typically a heavy sleeper so Jungkook did not have to worry about him waking up at his sudden noises.

Trudging his feet forward, he entered the living room and... saw no one.

What was I even expecting? For Y/N to be there like before? As if.

He bit his lips and sighed.


The sudden voice startled him. Hoseok was rubbing his eyes groggily, staring at Jungkook in confusion. "Your name is Jungkook right?" He asked again, tilting his head "why are you up so late?".

"I.. I couldn't sleep.." Jungkook did not see the point in lying even if it was to recover his pride. What could Hoseok hyung do to him anyway? "what about you.. hyung?"

"Ah.. I couldn't sleep either"


Come on Jungkook.. think! Anything!

"Was it bad? Staying there I mean?"

Jungkook wanted to slap himself.

Hoseok's eyes widened.

"You know about the hybrid facility?"

Jungkook gulped. He nodded. "I sort of grew up in there. I met Namjoon hyung there but he only spent a year in the facility" He walked across the room and pushed the window open.

The moon is not out tonight. Pity.

Jungkook never really thought of the moon much. She appeared here and again and disappeared in her own time. She was a free spirit. He had nothing in common with the moon. Yet he remembers Namjoon's sparkly eyes, his strange infatuation with the moon and Jungkook just thinks 'maybe...just maybe... I'll give it a chance'.

Hoseok slid next to him quietly. He stared at the expanding black canvas above.

"It's not bad when you get used to it" Jungkook peeked from the corner of his eye as Hoseok stared out the window. "It's even better when you have someone to talk and be with through thick and thin. It could have been worse and it wasn't...". Hoseok crosses his arms over the windowsill and rested his chin on top of his arms. "And I'm grateful for having met Taehyung. I'm guessing it's the same thing for you with Namjoon-ah..?"

Jungkook hummed in agreement. "How did you.. uh.. what did they do..?" He grumbled in frustration. Jungkook was confused on how to ask this without being rude. "How did we get thrown out like that?" Hoseok laughed as he raised an eyebrow.

Jungkook flushed but nodded anyway. He could always ask Namjoon hyung on how to use weird words later anyway. Words were just stupid.

"Well neither Taehyung or I, liked the system in the first place. The rooms were spacious but with the sheer number of hybrids in each room, it was difficult not to feel suffocated. We eventually got on their nerves and were thrown out. Probably to teach us a lesson. Obviously that was a stupid decision on their part but lucky for us" Hoseok snorted "I just hope they forget about us.. that's all really"

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