Chapter 25

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Jimin arrived home only to be greeted with the presence of an empty apartment.

"Jiminie, who do you think is cooler? Mulan or Tiana?"

"Knock it off, Miya. Just look at the sight of him!" Maya tugged on his wet pants, sniffed and recoiled with distaste at the smell "yeah, he definitely needs a shower before getting near me at least".

Correction: almost empty apartment.

"Oh shove off, Maya. It's not my fault the sky god loves me so much" Jimin grunted before gently pushing the twins out of the way. "Are you talking about Jesus or Zeus? Jesus is morally better but Zeus is just more gossip-worthy" Maya announced as she followed behind Jimin with a hop in her step. Jimin didn't even bother stifling the pained groan.

"Jiminie you didn't answer me~" Miya whined before tagging along "Maya insists Tiana is better but how could you ignore Mulan being such a freaking badass??"

Jimin laughed lightly before ruffling Miya's small curls. "I'm gonna take a shower first. I do in fact stink."

"HA! He didn't answer so that means Tiana is better which also means I win." Maya crossed her arms and grinned in triumph. Miya gasped loudly "how dare you. Mulan is the best and I will not accept opinions stating otherwise. She literally proved that women and men are capable of doing the exact same thing and that neither gender is better than the other".

"I'll tell dad that you need glasses cause clearly you can't see facts even when it's staring at you in the face" Maya narrowed her eyes sharply "Tiana had an ambitious dream that she managed to achieve with her own power and hard work. She had no one to depend on but herself and even when the spoiled Prince Naveen came into the picture, she did not depend on him and even managed to change him into a respectful man. Now please tell me, oh foolish sister of mine, how is Tiana not better?"

Jimin blinked. Both of them were right but he could practically see the sparks flying between them and he was not ready to stop another fight.

Not again.

The last time they fought, Maya cut Miya's hair so short that she was mistaken for a boy at school. She is one of the reasons why people are terrified of the 'quiet kids in the back of the class'.

"This may sound really irrelevant but um.. what on earth started this whole thing again?" He scratched the back of his neck with a grimace. "Blame our class teacher. She just loves doing debates for fun and this was one of the topics. It was fun until it got too far" Maya wrinkled her nose as she sneered down at Miya.

"Why are you even looking down on me?? You're literally only older by 5 minutes" Miya fumed in response before pinching Maya on the elbow. Hard.

Maya yelped before scrambling after Miya who had started running for her life.

"Don't run in the hallway. You'll might fal— urgh, why do I even bother?" Jimin grumbled. He maneuvered around the living room, tiptoed past the scattered textbooks on the floor and into the kitchen.

A single bowl lay on the counter with a lid on top. When he picked up the bowl of stew, a piece of paper was found at the bottom.

Got an urgent call. Tuck the kids in as usual and don't wait up. I'll be getting home late. Don't worry I'll buy some chips on the way to make up for leaving so suddenly.

Make sure you eat.

Jimin let out a small smile at the familiar scribbles. At first he had not been able to read Ma'am's curly scrawls. They had just been a bunch of loops and lines blurred together. However, Jimin is quite proud to say that he could now recognize the words with an accuracy of 80%. (It doesn't sound like much until you realize that Ma'am could have been a doctor in her past life. Yes, it was that bad.)

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