Chapter 2

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Y/N kicked her shoes off in a hurry. She ignored the disgusting sogginess of her socks and stepped into the bathroom.

Wait. I don't know anything about taking care of a cat.


"Damp towel.. cover the eyes and ears.. gently rinse the body.." she murmured quietly as she scrolled through her phone. She looked up from the screen and found the kitten staring right at her. It stood eerily still and Y/N watched the wet tail swing side to side like a pendulum.

It seemed.. cautious?

She flashed a nervous smile.

She slowly reached out, smiled when it didn't lash out, allowing her to scoop the creature into her arms. Maybe it was because of her body temperature but as Y/N watched it snuggle into a  her arms, Y/N felt like melting.

"If it's alright with you little guy, I'm going to give you a makeover" she mumbled softly, scared that it would get angry and jump out of her arms any second. It's grey eyes gleamed and glowed even more underneath the bathroom light.

They really were beautiful.

Shaking her head, Y/N set the kitten before filling the sink. Dabbing the water with a nearby towel, 
Y/N covered its eyes and ears.

She lifted the kitten but the moment it's small paws touched the cool water, it began kicking. Its fur rose like thorns. Struggling to mewl in fear, the kitten lifted its entire body as high as possible and its paws grabbed at anything that was close by: Y/N's hands.

She hissed as the blunt nails dug into her skin.

Steady breaths, steady breaths, steady breaths. In.. and out.. 1..2..3...

Slowly, Y/N regained her composure and started speaking.

"I covered your eyes and ears so you won't get water inside them" it stopped moving, "I need to wash you so I can keep you warm in my house" the raised fur settled, section by section, "If you don't want to get in the water it will be difficult for you to get yourself cleaned properly".

The kitten went still once again.

It seemed like it understood her words. Was that even possible?

Y/N shook her head.

She removed the towel. The stupid thing almost gave it a heart attack. What was the point of Google if it can't even do this right?

Y/N gently sank its body in the water. Thankfully the water only reached to its chest. With the new toothbrush she had bought today along with the groceries, Y/N scrubbed in circles along the body, trying to remove the dirt stubbornly stuck onto the fur.

Eventually, as the water turned an ugly brown, Y/N could finally recognize the color of the kitten.
A soft, white coat spotted with grey everywhere. Like a cheetah.

 Like a cheetah

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