Chapter 15

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Hoseok spluttered and wheezed. He gripped the sink tightly as he kept coughing and coughing and coughing. He squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath in an attempt to reduce the noise. He slapped a hand over his mouth as his shoulders shook at the sudden force shaking his entire body. After a while, the coughing subsided and Hoseok panted heavily. He pulled his hand away and saw red.

Huh. It came slower than I had expected.

Flicking away the stray tear that had rolled down, he scrubbed his palms firmly and splashed water over his face. Hoseok had been wondering for a while why he hadn't been coughing before. Guess it was just taking its time.

Breathe in. Breath out. Calm down. Slow your heart pace. Hide it. Don't show it. Pull a smile. Come on now. You've done this for so long so I'm sure you can do this for longer.

Briefly wiping his face, he walked out of the bathroom. As he passed Taehyung, Hoseok could not stop his heart rate from spiking a little. He always hated lying or hiding things from Taehyung. Then again, what could Taehyung do? No matter how physically strong he maybe, there will always be certain things that he cannot prevent. Things that not even god could possible stop.

Hoseok clenched his teeth and resisted the urge to sink his nails into his skin. "I'll see you at breakfast Taetae" he grinned extra wide just to make sure "make sure to brush twice not just once. It doesn't matter if you're teeth are already perfectly fine, you need to maintain your dental hygiene". Taehyung pouted and Hoseok already felt his heart swell from just seeing it. "But hyung~ it's too much effort so why do I—" "Kim Taehyung I am not afraid to come there and personally brush your teeth" Hoseok cut in and raised an eyebrow oh-so-innocently "we don't want that now do we?". Taehyung grew pale before skedaddling off to the bathroom.

Hoseok then took a sharp breath before abruptly slapping his palms against his cheeks. A shock striked through his skin, allowing him to cool down.

"Let's get through today"


Taehyung closed the door carefully. He clicked his tongue. Pushing the hair falling over his forehead back, Taehyung strolled over to the mirror. He could smell the iron. He could smell the metallic tinge of blood. It was faint but it was definitely there. Sometimes being a tiger hybrid has its benefits. He snarled before snatching one of the spare toothbrushes Y/N has bought for them.

He began to grip the plastic so hard that it started to bend. He was frustrated damnit. What else could he do? Taehyung wanted to wait patiently for Hyung to explain on his own but there was a limit. And he was getting dangerously close to crossing the limit.


Without a flinch, Taehyung flicked his eyes over to Jungkook poking his head through a small opening in the door. Those large bambi eyes shined with a brilliance that made Taehyung blink twice. "Uh.. what's your name again?" The bunny hybrid chuckled, a low sound that reverberated deeply in his throat. The sound surprised Taehyung. He looked too much like a kid that Taehyung forgot that this hybrid was also in his 20s.

"I'm Jungkook. I'm a bunny hybrid but I think you already knew that..?" Jungkook tilted his head and raised eyebrow "yeah well.. Hoseok hyung told me it was simple manners to ask even if you already knew" Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Hoseok Hyung.. he really is amazing" Jungkook murmured while squeezing a line of toothpaste over his toothbrush. Taehyung cocked his head to the side.

"Why do you think so?" Taehyung mumbled before cleaning his mouth with water and spitting it out into the sink. "Did something happen?"Jungkook looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Well not really. It's just Namjoon hyung and I asked him about the hybrid facility".

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