Chapter 19

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Tap. tap. tap. Her feet tapped irregularly against the tiled floor.

It had been 3 hours.

They had yet to burst through the blue doors with the final verdict. Y/N was not ignorant. If the right surgeon was not chosen, a patient would be vulnerable to infection or even die on the spot if they cut into the wrong vessel.

Even if that surgeon was fired, it would not bring a life back.

The idea that she might never be able to see Hoseok again shook her to the core. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut. She clasped her hands and pressed them against her forehead.

Y/N preferred to be neutral on the idea of religion. It was nice to think someone was always watching and will always love you even when everyone else turned their backs on you but at the same time, Y/N recognized how no one was there to save you when you were at your lowest.

Are they really watching over you? Or are they averting their eyes at your destruction?

But she prayed.

What other choice did she have?

Y/N's lips quivered and she gulped thickly. Her eyes were stinging but refused to cry. She needed to stay strong for the boys. Thankfully Seokjin had come back to drag the boys with him to the vending machine. It would be a while till they come since they probably didn't know some of the flavors in the vending machine.

Despite herself, she chuckled.


She had known them all for such a short time. Why did her heart clench every time she saw them? They had bust into her life and become precious. Irreplaceable. People she looked forward to seeing everyday.

What a laugh. To think that I had intended to stay away as far as possible to avoid getting my feelings involved. I was a fool.

Now here she was, desperately waiting for the death reaper to decide whether she could see Hoseok's smile again or not.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Yoongi hyung.." Namjoon swallowed "did you run into someone?"

Yoongi blinked at him. Looked back at the transparent glass and pressed his thumb against the number pad. A metal clang sounded twice before Yoongi bent down and grabbed a can of iced americano. He pulled the tab and sipped silently.

Namjoon's eyebrow twitched.

Why did I even bother to care?

Resigned, Namjoon turned on his heel and began to walk away and down the hallway.

"I was attacked."

He stilled mid step. Turned around and stared with wide eyes. Nothing came out. He didn't know what to say. Namjoon didn't know how to comfort another hybrid who went through shit like him. He had no one to learn from.

"Do you know why?" He managed to say but immediately wanted to curse afterwards. Why did he ask such a stupid question like that? It was so damn insensitiv—

"No. It's still confusing even now but I didn't want to go against another human just to know why I was attacked" Yoongi tilted the can and scanned the labels thoughtfully "I'm glad Jimin and Seokjin hyung were there with me. I don't want to cause anymore trouble for Y/N".

"Did you take a guess as to why they attacked you?" Namjoon frowned. "I'm a hybrid. What more of a reason did they need?" Yoongi snorted, his eyes dark and empty.

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