Chapter 26

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"I think you can already guess why I asked you to be here.." Axar started as he lit a cigarette. He tilted his head to stare at the ceiling before puffing out plumes of white into the air. He narrowed his eyes "That hybrid of yours killed one of my men. Tell me... did you make him do that on purpose or was there no motive?"

"That 'hybrid' has a name and his name is Jimin, that's one thing" Alessa corrected sharply. She crossed her arms and glared. "And if you must know, that man of yours attacked a friend of Jimin's after his heat. You know that hybrids are vulnerable after their heat,  Axar".

He threaded his fingers through his hair in exasperation and sighed "that's what they are trained to do, Ma. You know this. Everyone is taught to catch their target when they are they most vulnerable." "I know the rules I grew up with, boy, don't patronize me" Alessa said through gritted her teeth before slowly sipping her tea in an attempt to soothe her bubbling fury. She winced at the disgusting lukewarm temperature.

Damnit, I thought the tea would be able to help. I didn't want to lose my temper a few minutes after meeting him.

"Since you know the rules so well you should also be prepared for any casualties. If that man was as well trained as you claim he was, he should have expected death when he took the case" Alessa said through gritted teeth. She caught Axar's disapproving gaze and glared, daring him to say anything back.

Axar let out a small grunt of distaste. She could see that he wanted to disagree but he still saw an element of truth in her words.

There was no other way but to accept that not everyone can live until their 80s. That was reality. When Alessa had retired 7 years ago, she retired as one of the oldest people in the mafia and she was only 50 years old. One of the reasons she wanted to leave was because she was tired. She had been exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally to the point that she often felt like a killing automaton that lived to follow orders. Unable to empathize or cry or even laugh freely, Alessa struggled with feeling in touch with her own emotions.

It was suffocating.

The only thing she could feel was frustration.

Frustration at what exactly, she didn't know. She was frustrated at everything; her boss, her clients, her co-workers but most of all, herself. If there was anyone who could have changed her life for the better, it was her.

She had left to get herself back in control but now she's back and Alessa doesn't know what she should be feeling. On one hand, she was feeling nostalgic at the smell of old wood and gunpowder that Alessa had grown accustomed to over the years but on the other hand, this was also the place where she lost her humanity.

Why did I even allow myself to step in here?

Alessa shook off the thoughts before they developed into something she couldn't control. For a minute it was silent as Axar gathered his thoughts, allowing a thin train of smoke to leave his lips."Fine. Let's make a deal since this is your fault for failing to supervise your own hybrid" he said as Axar squared his shoulders to settle down for business "If you accept the deal, then this would be your final client". Alessa perked up at his words and hummed in response. Axar walked over to his work desk, grabbed a thin file and placed it in front of her.

Alessa almost dropped the file in shock.

Right there at the top of the page was a passport size picture of Y/N for all to see.

She was suddenly grateful for the fact that she was able to control her face from giving anything away with practiced ease.

"This is who I need to eliminate this time?" Alessa raised an eyebrow as she looked over the contents. "Who's the client?"

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