Chapter 21

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"Jimin-ah? Kill."

Jimin smiled as his eyes shined with a cold glint. "Yes Ma'am". Shifting his weight to his toes, he launched himself at the man with extended claws. His senses heightened, his adrenaline blazing fiercely in his veins, Jimin mercilessly sank his nails into the man's skin.

He did not flinch at the human's ear splitting scream that ripped through the air. His eyes sharpened and focused on his target.

Jimin had worn gloves for this moment.

His hand enclosed around the man's neck, stopping him from shrieking anymore. They tightened and tightened and Jimin watched the man's face turn from red to blue to purple. Froth built up and spilled from the corner of the man's mouth as his eyes rolled to the back. Jimin lifted the man by his neck and held him out like hanging fish on display.

From under his eyelashes, Jimin glared at the man wriggling and gasping for air. After a few minutes of flailing about, the man went limp.

It was done.

Jimin let out a breath and released his hold. Carefully, he stuffed the limp body into a garbage bag before pushing it deep into the dumpster. He shifted some spoilt food and discarded takeout cardboard boxes and placed them over the bag.

"Well done Minie" Mrs. Kang briskly praises him with a thin lipped smile. "I hope you managed to let out your frustration for what he did to your friend?" Jimin nodded with a satisfied grin gracing his thick lips. He skipped to her side and looped his hand around the shorter lady's arm.

"Good. Letting all that frustration build up is not good for anyone you know? We should also pick some garlic later tonight, alright? Garlic bread is on the menu tonight" she smiled gently as her eyes crinkled softly. Jimin snickered before nodding ecstatically.

The first time Jimin met Mrs. Kang, he had thought she was a harmless sweet, old lady who loved her grandchildren.

Until she killed an assassin to protect him. Her grey hair had been pulled into a tight bun that day as she dug her heel into the man's chest.

He could never forget how powerful she looked at that moment.

"Did he say anything as to why he went after Yoongi hyung? Hyung had tried to get it out of him but he ended up slipping away before he could investigate further so I'm curious" Jimin inquired. Mrs. Kang flicked his eyes over to him "you might not like what I'm about to say but you'll have to listen with a open mind... "

She took a deep breath and started. "There's a higher power at control right now. The man we confronted refused to say anything which could mean he was bribed or threatened by someone into keeping quiet. You said he attacked this Yoongi after his heat?" Jimin nodded grimly. "In his jacket I found various drugs that were developed to obscure a hybrid's heightened senses and leave them vulnerable. They are rare, almost impossible for a regular person to obtain them." Mrs Kang narrowed her eyes thoughtfully and huffed. "The person in control is powerful.. and could be targeting hybrids".

Jimin gulped. "Would they target humans as well...?"

Mrs. Kang stared ahead "it's a possibility". Something clamped around Jimin's lungs and squeezed tightly. He felt like he couldn't breathe.

I don't want to lose them. I don't want to lose any of them.

"Don't worry. We will keep everyone safe" she grinned confidently "now come on. Nothing like a good old milk toffee to lift your spirits noh?"

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