Chapter 17

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"Jimin do you have a pink shirt? I'm in the mood to look like a Barbie doll wannabe" Seokjin said as he stepped into his living room. He was not exactly an expert in the fashion sense so he usually avoided buying too many clothes. The last time he had made an effort to impress was about a year ago.

Jimin half heartedly threw something at him. Seokjin caught it in the nick of time and slowly spread it out.

A blue shirt.

"Hell no" Seokjin wrinkled his nose in distaste "Ken is too boring for my taste. No offense to the color though". "Rude" Jimin snorted "pretty sure a bunch of hormonal teenagers around the world would sue you for that". Seokjin scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "I would agree if it was Barbie, not Ken. Honestly Ryan would be more my type if he had some brains". Jimin tilted his head thoughtfully ".. good point".

Seokjin folded the shirt and placed them back in the bag. "You sure Yoongi will like these though?" He mused as he picked up another tee shirt littered with pineapples. "I bet 100 dollars he doesn't even bother about this stuff" Jimin huffed "I'm doing him a favor by lending him these".

"But.. pineapples? Really?"

"It was 20% off ok?" Jimin muttered bashfully.

Seokjin laughed heartily. Jimin was adorable when he was not acting like a brat.

"What's so funny?"

Seokjin perked up and looked up to find Yoongi walking towards them in a pair of black sweatpants and a thin white tee shirt. "Perfect timing! Choose what you want to wear". Yoongi raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Ok..?"

Seokjin watched him stride over to the bag, squat down and shuffle through the bundle of clothes in the bag. He then pulled out an oversized graphic tee shirt. "Can I borrow this?" Yoongi looked up expectantly. Seokjin had to hold back a smile.

What did I tell ya? The man's sense of fashion is as dark and plain as his hair.

"Would it kill you to be a little adventurous? Why you gotta be so boring Yoongi hyung~" Jimin whined and jutted his lip put in frustration. He pulled out the pineapple shirt and held it out promptly. Seokjin could visibly see Yoongi's eyes widened and fill with fear for a moment  as he stared at the material like it was some weird monstrosity.

"This would look so go—"



"I'm not letting you in for a month if you make me wear that. I'm the one living in the house remember?" Yoongi grunted with a glare.

"I hate you." Jimin sighed before resigning. He stuffed the bag again before lifting it up. "Well I should be heading back. Ma'am would get worried if I take too long to return home. Say hi to Y/N for me?" Jimin grinned as he tugged his sneakers on.

Seokjin smiled and agreed. When the door clicked close, he turned back to face Yoongi, and asked "you hungry?"

Yoongi shook his head. "Well that's no good" Seokjin grinned mischievously "don't want to let Y/N see you in that state do you?" Yoongi cocked his head in confusion. "Yoongi. You look like a chewed out rat left in the sewer" he shuddered before skeptically taking a sniff. Seokjin sighed in relief. "Well you don't smell like one anymore so we are onto something".

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