Chapter 42

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Standing in the waiting room of the hospital is torture! No one will tell me what's going on.
Karla is pacing back and forth mumbling about how she new this would happen.
"Karla what are you talking about?"
"I can't say, Jimin.... Jimin wanted to tell you."
"Tell me what Karla? As at the Moment Jimin is lying in the operating theatre and no one will tell me what's happened."
"LOOK JUNGKOOK I CANT OK!! Just please..."
Karla storms off  down the corridor.
"Look Jungkook Jimin will be ok. And I'm sure someone will let you know what's going on soon. Now please calm down. The last thing you need is to get kicked out of here for kicking off at everyone."
Rolling my eyes and sighing loadly I take a seat and just wait.

Jimins parents disappeared a while ago with the police and Karla still has not come back from storming off.
"Urm is there anyone here for a Park Jimin?"
A kind look nurse stands looking round the waiting room.
"I am."
"Ok so you are?"
"Jungkook, I'm Urm Jimins...."
"His Jimins Boyfriend and I'm his sister. Is everything ok?"
I turn to see Karla standing by my side. A stern yet concerned look on her face.
"Yes the surgery went well. And Jimin will be ok. It was close mind. But the doctor will be able to tell you more soon. But for now if you want to go see him he is resting. Just follow me."
I look back to Tae..
"Go I'll wait here and tell his parents ok."
Smiling Karla and I head to Jimins room.
Looking through the Door all I can see is wires and tubes coming off of him.
"I thought you said he was ok?"
The nurse looks at me and smiles
"He is, and he is very lucky. If the knife had been just alittle to the right he would not have made it."
A male voice says from behind me.
"I'm dr Joon, so I am sure the nurse has told you the surgery went well and all that. What I will tell you is that Mr Park will not be doing any lifting or any thing physical for awhile. He had quite a bit of internal damage that needs to heel."
"Ok we will make sure he rests."
"I'll leave you with him for now. I'm not Ute how long he will sleep for but he will appreciate you to being here when he wakes up, if his mumbles are anything to go by I'm taking it your Karla and Jungkook."
The Doctor smiles as he leaves us standing in Jimins room.
When the room is empty I turn to Karla...
"Jungkook before you ask I can't tell you. Jimin would kill me. All I can say is his past has caught up with him. Ok."
"He does love you, you know. Your the reason he turned stuff around. He would hate me saying that. But you are. That's how I knew I had lost you. And the Jimin loved you."
"I am sorry Karla..."
"It's ok, I assume Tae told you about Urm.."
"Yeah, so do you like him?"
"I don't know. He makes me laugh and smile. But I'm not sure my head is thinking straight for anything else right now."
"Ok well it's ok if you do, I'm sure he likes you to."
Karla stands there blushing.
"Well let's take a seat, Jimin could be asleep for awhile so we might as well get comfortable.

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