It isn't nice to plan people's murder

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"You're healed again..." Sasori commented annoyed, making me grin in responds; teasing Sasori was funny. "Who thought you were dead? And why?"

Otou-sensei raised an eyebrow at me, when he saw Sasori's annoyance, but then just looked amused, I think he might have guessed that I was teasing Sasori; he didn't really answer Sasori, but instead just looked to Tsunade expectantly, clearly expecting her to give the answers here. She looked slightly pained when she finally spoke.

"There was an incident on a confidential mission, which resulted in her being left behind on an uninhabited island. It was reported that she had passed away during the mission and once we were made aware of the falseness of that report months had passed and a harsh winter had hit the area around the island, we sent people to look for her, but found no trace. With no other choice she was labeled missing-in-action and assumed to have passed; during this time Naruto Uzumaki went on a retrieval mission to find their old teammate, who'd become a missing nin, and informed him and his current 'roommates' of what had happened to Kiko; before he returned from that mission I found her in Kakashi's hospital room." She explained slowly, carefully choosing her words, though she only got an eye roll from Deidara.

"So, in other words, you messed up and sent her on a mission with someone wanting her gone which ended with Kiko being left behind deliberately and with him ended up in the hospital as a result of trying to stop it. I assume that he was the one to tell you that she'd been alive, when she was left behind, as soon as he regained consciousness from whatever injuries he'd gotten." Deidara commented with a nod at Otou-sensei at the 'him'; Otou-sensei didn't say anything, but he looked slightly impressed and I think that Deidara noticed as he looked very satisfied with himself. "So, who is it that we'd prefer to think that you are dead? The grey-haired teen you fought some time ago?"

I ignored the question, still trying to be mad at Deidara, but it got hard to ignore and quickly turned to a pout, when Deidara started playing with my hair, meanie just grinned and he actually laughed, when Otou-sensei cleared his throat and gave him a warning glare; he didn't let go of my hair, but he changed his hold to the just the tip of my hair and backed just a bit away.

"I'm still mad at you." I told him with a pouty glare and crossed arms.

"I know." He responded softly, while gently detangling the ends of my hair; did he have to make it this hard to be mad at him?

"Hai, Kabuto is one of the people I'd have preferred to think I had died; Snakey is the main one though, he creeps me out..." I finally admitted with an exaggerated sigh, one that brought a slight smile to Deidara's face and sigh to Otou-sensei.

"Snakey? Are we talking about the 'man' you were running away from when we first met?" Sasori asked slowly, seeming unsure about using names for some reason.

I was about to respond, but Tsunade sent me a look that clearly said to stop talking, it stopped me, though mostly because of the stare down that resulted between her and Otou-sensei; Otou-sensei never did like her trying to scold me. Deidara and Sasori looked rather interested in their verbal less fight, though Sasori only paid them half a mind as he'd decided to check my arm instead; whether it was to check if it'd healed properly or if he was just looking at the healing I'd done with my water I wasn't sure, so I just let him. It felt weird though, having Sasori gently move, bend, and twist my arm and having Deidara stand behind me, detangling my hair ever so softly, softer than I thought he could be to be honest. I tried to ignore it and instead focused on Anko and Ibiki, both of whom were having a silence conversation; I couldn't read them quite as well as they themselves could, but I noticed the murderous look in Anko's eyes.

"It isn't nice to plan people's murder, just for messing up once." I commented, dragging their attention to me with surprising speed.

"Oh, but girly, they messed up big time! There's a difference in mess ups! And this one was big!" Anko tried to convince me, but I just shook my head.

"There's a difference, hai, but you can't kill them for their mistake. I mean, they were up against a Sanin, even you can't take him head on, so why would they be able to?" I shot back at her, which she gave a pout at.

"But they deserve it!" She stated like a child and even though she sat down I could almost see her standing up and stumping on the ground. "They didn't do as they were told!"

"Iie, you still can't kill them. Try coming up with something else to handle the situation instead; something less life taking." She pouted again and tried to give me puppy eyes, but I just gave them right back, both of us ignoring the attention the others gave us and the fact that Ibiki and Otou-sensei both were about to laugh.

Then a light lit up in Anko's eyes, making her grin mischievously, and she gave a stretched out: "Fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeee."

That didn't bode well for their subordinates...

Oh well, at least they'd stay alive and probably mostly unharmed, right?

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