"IDIOT!" Renji screams getting ready to catch us.

Rukia and I end up crashing into Renji, causing the three of us to fly back. He took most of the damage as he protected us. Sitting up, all three of us were pissed.

"Ichigo, you fool!" Rukia yells.

"What would've happen if I didn't catch them?!" Renji points out.

"Ichigo." I coldly address in a low tone. "I'm going to kill you when we get home."

"Whatever! Take them away, Renji!"


"Don't just sit there! Take them away right now! That's your job! Protect them with your life!"


I feel Renji's grip around me tighten. A split second later, Renji was taking off with us in tow.

"Renji?" Rukia looks up at him.

He looked extremely determined. He was going to get us out of here safely no matter what.

"What are you standing there for?!" a woman captain shouts. "Get them! All of you lieutenants!"

Suddenly, three lieutenants were on Renji's trail. However, Ichigo appears between them and us. He takes care of them like they were nothing.

"Ichigo!" I warn.

Holding his sword up, Ichigo was able to block Byakuya's zanpakuto.

Holding his sword up, Ichigo was able to block Byakuya's zanpakuto

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"Wait! Put me down-"


I face Ichigo once again.

"You made me a promise, remember? Let me protect my little sister."

"...Dammit." I curse under my breath.

"You better win, you fool!" I shout. "Or you have to deal with me!"

He smirks.

"Of course, little sis. Who do you think your talking to?"

I couldn't help but weakly smile.

"My stupidly strong big brother."

I look towards Nagi's direction. She was smiling at me. I simply nod my head.

She'll be fine.

Renji keeps going, moving further and further from everyone else.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Let me go! Please, Renji!" Rukia protests.

Renji is currently downing down a ridiculous long flight of stairs as we make our way down the hill. He held onto the both of us tight as he did.

"I must help Ichigo!"

"Will you just shut up already!" Renji snaps. "We're running away so stay quiet! What if someone hears us?!"

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