Ch.11 Blind Battle

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Right in front of me, the Hollow aims to kill. But before he could touch me, a fist suddenly sent him flying back. A bit stunned, I look towards my savor.


" him... I think."

Chad...can see the Hollow?

Proving me wrong, Chad begins to swing aimlessly at the empty air.

Never mind.

The Hollow gets up as it chuckles a bit.

"Heh heh... Scared me for a second there. But it was just a lucky shot. He can't see squat-"

Chad's fist connects with the Hollow's face once more. The Hollow is sent flying once again.

If Chad can't see it, how is he hitting the Hollow?

Pissed, the Hollow growls at Chad.

"Grrr! You're dead!"

The Hollow suddenly sprouts wings, from it's arms, and takes flight.

The Hollow suddenly sprouts wings, from it's arms, and takes flight

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"Hahahaha! Now try to hit me!! Well, tough guy?! What now?!"

Chad just continued to stare at nothing. Rukia yells to warn him.

"Don't just stand there! Run!"

"She's right, Chad." I add. "He's taken to the air."

"Hey, new girl... You can see ghosts like Emiko?" Chad questions Rukia.

"There's no time to talk!" she informs him. "We can't reach-"

"Where is he?"


"You two say he's in the air." Chad speaks as he walks towards a telephone pole. "Which direction?"

"What difference does it make? What can you-"


Chad starts to tug on the wooden pole, causing Rukia to stop speaking.

"So many choices!!" the Hollow hollers. "I could swoop down like a hawk, or-"

The sound of the telephone pole breaking shuts the Hollow up. Chad had managed to rip it up from the ground, surprising both Rukia and the Hollow.

 Chad had managed to rip it up from the ground, surprising both Rukia and the Hollow

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