"Who keeps things in places which are up to six feet tall?" She grumbled.

"I do" I whispered so close to her ears as she jumps in fright.

"Huh! Hunter you scared me" she said with her hands on her chest. I reach for the file with ease before looking down.

My eyes stops at her lips which looks soft and sweet.

No Hunter.. Remember the boundary. Don't cross the line.

"Sir, i will like to be on my way" I nodded but refused to move a muscle. She sighs about to move away but i held her back by the arm.

"Wait" I said my voice sounding strained as she looks up at me with her blue orbs through her glasses.

I felt her breathing as my eyes shifts to her pink lips again. Fuck boundaries!

The next thing i know was my head diving down towards her mouth as she got tensed. My mouth pressed against hers just like the first time. I felt her relax as i deepened the kiss. She tastes like the first time i kissed her... She taste like strawberries.

I feel her giving in completely into the kiss as i pulled her closer by the curve of her waist when we were interrupted by someone clearing his or her throat.

We flew apart as i turn around to see the intruder.

"Mum?!" She raised an eyebrow in amusement at my surprised expression "I mean hi... "

"I see am interrupting you guys, maybe i should wait outside?" She teased.

"No!" I turn to look at Leah who was red with embarrassment "I mean i was going.. Like on my way" she points to the door as she stutters through her words. "Excuse me"

My mum gave me a beaming smile as Leah walked more or less ran out of my office. She stares at her figure which disappeared through the door before looking back at me.

"I can see the reason why you are busy" she mused sending me a wink.

I cleared my throat scratching the back of my neck, reaching out to pick the file that fell from my hand during the heated moment.

She walks towards the two seats opposite my table, taking a seat on one of them as she placed her designer bag on the table.

"Not to sound rude mother, but what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Was going through the city, meeting some contractors and dealers but then decided to stop by to see how my son is doing"

"How much did you see?" I muttered pouring her a cup of coffee.

"Not much, but enough to know you initiated the first step, am not surprised though, she is much more prettier in real life than in pictures... " she gushed. "Oh thank you" she took the cup from me, taking a sip.

"You approve?"

"Of course... I mean it is big thing considering the fact you don't do your employees" she placed the cup on the table "part of why am here. Will you be free on the twenty sixth?" She asked.

"Boxing day... Yeah, why?"

"Dinner at the O'Neils, you must come, you have to come. I must see you there" she demanded.

"Okay mum, your wish is my command"

She smiles nodding standing up.

"You can also bring Leah, a new face will be refreshing" she picked up her bag with her gloved hand.

"How do you know her name is Leah?" I asked, surprise coating my tone.

"I have got good Intel" she shrugs walking towards the exit.

"You are going?" She nods "let me walk you out of the building" I followed, resting a soft hand on her back.

"I see what you are trying to do... I will grill her when i want to"

Of course.....


I arrange my desk again. That is what i have been doing ever since i came back from his office. After updating my file, and sorting out all my completed projects, i had been going through the same circle of arranging and rearranging.

I blushed again recalling the incident that happened in the afternoon.

What got into me? Why didn't i push him away? More importantly, why is he always able to break down my walls?

I said a good night to Sam, my eyes shifts to the wall clock as we closed for the day. There was nothing much to do in the office, everyone was in the holiday mode, Christmas spirit...

I stare at the big Christmas tree filled with lights and decorations and varieties of boxes under it. I smile feeling nostalgic... Am home sick, i can't wait to go home...

I stepped out of the big building putting on my jacket as i embraced the cold.

"Leah!" I turn around abruptly at the sound of my name. My heart skipped a bit as Hunter walks towards me.

"Hi" he rushed out.

"Hi?" I said nervously.

"Look... about what happened in the morning-"

"It is okay" I cut him off "it's fine. It was a mistake and its not gonna happen again"

"That is not what i was going to say... " my mouth formed an O. "I know what happened in the morning was embarrassing for you-"

"Oh... You mean when i happened to find your mouth on my lips or when your mother walked in on us?" I asked.

"You never pushed me away" he smirks.

Yeah... Rub it on my face.

"I guess i didn't" I mumbled

"I really want us to give this a chance, let's sort this out Leah"

"Why do you change your mind all of a sudden?" He was about to open his mouth to talk when the vibration of my phone made me raise my hand for him to stop.

I took out my phone from my bag, looking at the caller i.d.


"Hey mum... " I heard her muffled voice, and some sniffing.

"Leah?... " she spoke through the phone.

Is she crying?

"Mum... What's wrong?" I panicked.

"... Someone broke in... They hurt Sparrow... Am so scared... " she cried.

"Am on my way... "

Trouble back home?

What do you think of the kiss? 😄😄

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