16. Class rep

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"Good morning Gaara!"

Hinata froze on her path down the hallway of the first year building and spun around. She just felt his aura! The ravenette's breath caught at the sight of the most handsome boy on earth.

His golden hair reflected the sun's rays. His eyes were their own sky and the whiskers that adorned his face remained as cute as ever.

Hinata watched the interaction (more like lack of interaction) between him and Gaara with awe. Her crush was so kind and friendly! She wondered what his name was, she bet it would be as handsome as his face. Hinata liked his guts, his perseverance and the intensity on his face when he danced...!

Hinata froze even more if that was possible when his blue eyes met with her lavender ones. 'He is looking at me...' She could feel the familiar heat crawling up her face and manifesting itself as red tinges across her cheeks.

"Hey, I know you." He spoke up and that was when Hinata broke. Her face bloomed like a ripe tomato as heat rushed through her body. Steam could be seen coming out of her ears even. Hinata stepped back, all flustered, and ran away as fast as she could only to bump into a sturdy chest.

"Whoa!" Neji grabbed his cousin by her arms before she could fall. He had sensed her distress earlier when he entered their class and didn't see her trailing behind him as usual, and so turned around to look for her. Call him overprotective if you like, he just wanted to be there for his sisters whenever he could.

"Neji!" Hinata gasped. Her face got redder when Neji glanced down at her and grew a knowing look on his face.

"Oya? So that secret person you admire goes to our school? Who is he?" Neji left Hinata's hands and walked around her to see the poor person that he had to pummel to stay away from his cousin.

"Neji!" Hinata pulled at his sweater to stop him but the boy was stronger than her so he just dragged her along despite her efforts. Hinata yelped and his behind Neji when her Greek god looked up and saw them. He was talking to Kiba.

Neji scowled at the sight of the two people he hated the most after his self proclaimed eternal rival (we would get to that later). He hated Kiba from the start and Namikaze was just the annoying brat he was. Hold on!

"Aaah?!" Neji's face drained of it's colour as he faced Hinata. "Namikaze?! Of all people, NAMIKAZE?!" He yelled frantically.

"Never thought I'd see the day Neji loses his composure." Kiba muttered. Neji's feelings towards him were mutual. He had no idea why Neji hated him but he guessed Neji hated everybody that were guys and showed even the tiniest interest in his cousins. Che! That was years ago, his crush on Hinata had melted into something more platonic.

"Oi! My name is Naruto you king-jerk!" Naruto yelled, stumping his foot like a five year old.

'So his name is Naruto!' Hinata mused dreamily.

At this Neji paled. "No. No. No. No. Hinata, come with me and hello Shino." He said before dragging Hinata along.

"Good morning Shino!" Hinata yelled after her silent and inconspicuous friend. His face was hidden behind his scarf and shades as usual.

How did Neji come to hate Kiba, Naruto and Lee who proclaimed himself as his eternal rival (much more than before)?

It happened during gym class. Gym was one of the joint classes the recuperative class had with the genius class and their teacher, Mitarashi Anko, had more than one screw loose in her brain.

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