15. The breaking process

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"If no one else would help, I can only help myself."

Naruto was at the rooftop again. This time Shikamaru was not there to share it with him. He was perched on the edge of the rooftop where with just one push he was falling to the ground but that was the least of his troubles.

He was a hypocrite.

Gaara felt the same loneliness he felt and was driven to the wall. His actions were all to protect himself from the hurt and pain. Gaara surrounded himself by a wall. A thick and tall wall that sheer force would not pull down. Naruto had to free Gaara from his desolation just like Iruka did to him but how?

It was like trying to dig a well with a plastic spoon. Gaara was sure to shut out his advances. What would he do?!

"Yosh!" Naruto slapped himself on the cheeks in determination. He would dig through Gaara's defensive wall with his plastic spoon even if it takes him years! "I never give up and I never run away, that's my nindo!"

"Hn dobe."

If Naruto was as jumpy as he usually was in this moment, he would have plummeted down the rooftop to his untimely death. Fortunately, he held on to the ledge thus avoiding that cruel end. He scowled at the person that gave him a fright, it was that Teme from the first day.

"What?!" He snarled.

"Hn." Sasuke pocketed his hands, hiding the fact that he was relieved that the blond didn't fall down to his death, and grunted.

"Do you like, speak at all bastard?" Naruto suddenly asked.

"I don't think there's anything I'd say that you'd understand." Sasuke jabbed. He smirked a bit when Naruto bristled at his comment but was quick to hide it.

"Teme!" Naruto yelled.


"The hell does that mean?!" The blond was close to blowing up a fuse. This guy had a talent for annoying people with his words.

"Oi, you'd fall if you keep going like that." Sasuke's voice sounded indifferent like he could care less if Naruto fell but in actuality he was rather anxious. He did not want to be an eye witness of Namikaze's death.

"If I fall it would be because of you, teme." Naruto bit back. "What's your name?" He asked after a moment of watching Sasuke browse through his phone. Only then did he realize that the dark haired boy was holding a speaker. Aah, he came here to dance. Why the roof though? The school had more dance rooms than Naruto could count with his fingers so why did he not use one of them?

"Sasuke." Sasuke answered. "Uchiha Sasuke." He didn't even know why he was talking to Namikaze, an alleged murderer. Sasuke decided that he didn't care since it was not like they were friends or anything. Oh little did he know that he was going to be best friends with the blond.

"I'm Naruto." Naruto's grin could blind the sun. "So you freestyle?"

"I do all kind of dances." Sasuke wondered why he was suddenly being talkative. He was not called monosyllabic for nothing after all. It was not that Sasuke was quiet, talking just bored him quickly. His mouth ached if he talked a lot so he stayed silent most of the time. (I just described myself😅)

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