2. Hyuga Hinata

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"Ladies, stand straight." A woman instructed. Two girls, one with black hair that shone navy blue under the light tied into a bun and pearly lavender eyes, and a younger one with brown chocolate hair tied likewise and the same pearly lavender eyes, obeyed their instructor. "First position," They both moved their legs. "Second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and rest."

After a few more stretches and positions, they started their dance practice. Both were dancing the part of Clara in the Nutcracker. A good ways into the dance while the elder one was doing a spin, she missed her footing and fell. The instructor sighed, this was not the first or second time it happened.

"Lady Hinata! I see you have not been practicing your twirls." The woman reprimanded.

"I am sorry, I'll get it next time." The older girl, Hinata, apologized albeit halfheartedly. You see, she didn't like ballet but her father disapproved of what she really liked to do.

"If you keep on like this, you would never become the prima ballerina of Konoha School of Arts."

Hinata sighed. The school she attended was a prestigious art school which produced world class celebrities and figure artists. The ravenette liked that she was in an art school but she was not free to do what she really liked for fear of her father getting angry at her.

After the ballet practice was over Hinata ran to her room (more like she speed walked to her room) and quickly changed into some casual wear. A light blue jacket on a white and purple shirt and dark jeans with purple sneakers to match. She wore her purple WiFi headphones and connected it to her iPhone and took her orange fox themed wallet. She was ready.

As she was about to jump down her window and sneak outside the huge mansion, a knock interrupted her along with a deep rich voice. "Don't even think about it, young lady. Now open the door." Hinata groaned and marched to the door, swinging the wooden door open to reveal a handsome guy standing there with his arms crossed.

He had dark brown and almost black long hair which flowed down in straight chocolaty glaciers down his back. On his forehead was a blue tattoo shaped like an X with two hooks on either side of it (~ x ~) which was a result of teenage hormones and rebellion. Hinata remembered the day he was caught (he had been using a tacky leather head gear to cover it up), her father kept hounding him for weeks.

"Neji-niisan!" Hinata exclaimed sheepishly.

His unique lavender eyes gazed sternly at her. "Where are you going this time?" Her older cousin, Neji, stepped into her room and closed the door behind him. The two of them along with their younger sibling were so close, one would think that they were real siblings. Neji's parents died when he was four and Hinata was three, so he was adopted into the family by Hinata's father and his uncle.

Hinata flopped unto her bed and groaned. "Niisan..." She whined, pulling on her best puppy eyes and a cute pout. Neji only frowned harder. "Gah, it never works on you!" The girl exclaimed exasperatedly.

"Of course, I am immune to the little sister cuteness virus." The older chuckled and pinched her cheek. "Going to Shippuden street again?" He asked.

"Yes. I promised Kiba and Shino that I'll be there, I don't wanna disappoint them. Also..." An elegant brow raised at his baby cousin's reaction at the last mumbled word. Her cheeks flushed and she played with her fingers. She was nervous.

"Also?" He pressed.

"Uh?! Nothing!" Hinata nervously yelled and frantically flailed her hands.

"Hmm, I trust Shino but Kiba...if he tries to hit on you again, I promise him a slow death." Neji threatened.

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