38. What makes me happy

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It was another lousy Saturday at Sasuke's mansion. The adrenaline from the sports festival had worn out on everyone and the arid reminder that they had to go back to studying was not pleasant to the ears. Kisame's team, the blue team, had won because all the sporty people like Lee were in it, and Itachi's team, the red team, came last because the non sporty ones like Shikamaru consisted the majority.

The jargons Sasuke was teaching Naruto didn't even take the time to enter one ear and go out through the other, they never even reached him before dropping to the ground. How can somebody cope with one hour of studying?!

"Dobe." Sasuke sighed when he realised that the blond wasn't listening. "Do you have ADHD or something? Why can't you just sit still and listen?!" The raven complained.

"If you weren't a boring tutor, maybe I'd listen!" Naruto shot back. Before Sasuke could get another word in Naruto interrupted with his next statement. "Hey, you dance don't you?"

"Hn." Sasuke grunted.

"Great! Kiba and the rest are meeting up at Shippuden street to work out a choreography. Tenten found us one amazing dance battle and I think you should join us..."

"Hold on." Sasuke stopped the boy from talking. "What makes you think I'd join you?" He scoffed. "Tenten's so called competition would be nothing but an underground dance battle where vagabonds of all sorts meet, it is nothing dignified. I don't want anything to do with it."

Naruto dramatically flopped unto his back with a long irritating whine. "I knew you'd say that! Come on, it's dance, not a gang meeting and they'd pay us pretty money too."

"I don't need money." Sasuke reminded dryly. Naruto groaned.

"Just follow me to Shippuden street and watch us dance, it's better than dancing alone on the rooftop." Naruto persuaded.

Sasuke really wanted to go and even enter the competition but his father...street dance was not something his father would like or approve which was why he was adamant. But Naruto was a stubborn little shit that wouldn't give up until he received the answer he wanted so the blond went downstairs and talked to Mikoto.

Goodness knows what he told his mother but Sasuke suddenly found himself being dragged out of the mansion by a giddy Naruto. They boarded a taxi to the poorer part of Konoha town where the studio was located; Shippuden street.

Sasuke didn't know what to expect from the studio but the graffitied walls and broken windows didn't surprise him. Loud pop music played from the building which only served to burst his sensitive eardrums the closer he got to it.

Naruto led him to a room and opened the door. The duo were instantly greeted by loudness and disorganization. Tenten was doing warm up dances at a corner while Kiba was trying to split in his cargo pants. It surprised Sasuke to see Gaara hunched over a laptop with a red earphone over his head at the other side of the room and even more to see Shino and Hinata in the studio.

"Hey Naruto!" Kiba hollered over the music. His expression turned disbelieving when he saw the raven beside his friend. "SASUKE?!"

"Naruto-kun." Hinata waved shyly. "Sasuke-kun." She acknowledged.

The music went down and Gaara looked up from his beat mixer, his hairless brow raised just a teeny bit at Sasuke's presence. Tenten also stopped what she was doing and looked at Sasuke in surprise.

"Look who I brought!" Naruto cheered and proceeded to remove his jacket and reveal his No Ramen No Life T-shirt which he won in a promo at Ichiraku.

"We can see. The question is why is he here?" Tenten crossed her arms and upped her chin in challenge. "We don't do ballet here, pretty boy."

"Hn." Sasuke sized Tenten up with his eyes. "It's good I don't do ballet then." He challenged because, well, he never backed out from competition.

Symphony (Konoha School Of Arts)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें