23. Ino's suspicion

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Chapter warning: mentions of child abuse. It's nothing too much but brace yourself if you're squeamish!

Xxx symphony xxX

"Good. We're all here." Ino looked around at the small group. It was almost evening time by the time all seven friends...er not so friends were complete at the cafe. Shikamaru yawned lazily and slouched on his chair.

"Why are all of us paying Yota a visit?" He complained. "I mean, I like the kid but isn't this going out of our way just to pay him a visit? We could send regards or something. What a drag."

"You just want to sleep early, Shikamaru." Choji outed the lenient boy.

"Well, you're right. It's just that I have a suspicion." Ino explained. "Yota might be physically abused at home." All of them stiffened at that.

"What makes you say so? Is it the bruises on his body?" Sakura, speaking for the first time since she arrived, asked.

"That and the fact that Yota is always reluctant of going home. The last time I saw him off, he protested against it until his guardian's mood dropped. What do you guys say about that?" Ino questioned.

"Well, Yota is autistic right?" Kiba spoke. "That could have been an autistic meltdown or a sensory overload or something. He really likes you." Akamaru barked in agreement to his master's words.

"That's possible but he does this every time! And he trembles too at the sight of his guardian." Ino argued.

"In any case, you gathered us together so that we can check out what's wrong with him?" Shikamaru grumbled from the sidelines.

"Say, Naruto, you'd normally be the loudest among us. Why are you silent? It's creepy." Sakura muttered when she realized that Naruto had in fact not said a word since their meeting commenced. Even Akamaru had spoken!

Naruto shifted in his seat, making a sound at the back of his throat between a growl and a snarl. "Just...if that man really abuses Yota, I don't know what I'd do. I don't think I can forgive him if he hurt Yota." Yota was Naruto's first friend. It didn't matter if the boy was years younger than him or if he was mentally ill, Yota was the first who saw him as a friend and person rather than a heartless murderer.

"Oi, aren't you taking this too far? We're not even sure if Ino's correct yet." Shikamaru sighed. He just wanted to go home and sleep. Not that he was heartless or didn't care about Yota, if anyone hurt the boy Shikamaru would never forgive the person, but they didn't have solid proof that Yota is really being abused.

"But what if she's right?!" Naruto's voice raised. "What if...what if the reason Yota is not in school is because his guardian hurt him?!"

"Calm down Naruto." Choji placated. "That's why we're going to his place, to check if Ino is correct or wrong. I hope she's wrong though."

"He's right, you have to calm down Naruto." Sakura added. "Well, we can't find out anything if we're just staying here. Let's go." She stood up, taking her left over iced coffee with her while Ino and Kiba and Akamaru followed her lead.

"By the way Kiba, how come Akamaru was allowed inside the cafe?" Choji questioned once they were outside the cafe.

"Akamaru is my service dog, he's licensed to enter such places." Kiba replied.

"Uh? But you're not blind or anything, why would you need a service dog?" Sakura asked curiously.

"Not only the blind need service dogs." Kiba's answer was vague but Sakura asked no more. It was none of her business anyway.

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