1. Uzumaki Naruto

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Woke up with yawning, it's dawning. I'm still alive. Turned on my radio to start up new day.

As goddamned DJ chattered how to survive, amazing news got over on my airwaves ...

Music blasted through the blonde's headphones as he mounted his bike. The wheels made soft squeaks from old age and proper use as he pedalled down the street.

Tonight, love is rationed. Tonight, across the nation. Tonight, love is spread worldwide. Almost another day.

His golden tufts of hair played with the wind as his hood fell back to reveal his face. Tanned skin adorned with three whisker like birthmarks across each cheeks made up his handsome face and embodied the bluest of eyes one could ever see. His eyes rivalled the ocean on a clear sumer day but those eyes held no mirth despite the nature of the song he was listening to.

He turned off the music which was performed by Beat Crusaders and kept his iPod in his worn out orange backpack. Inhaling and exhaling enthusiastically, he pushed the glass doors of his destination open. The bells above the door tattled on his arrival. He was not even allowed a breathing space before he was hounded by the owner of the shop.

"You are late, Naruto!"

No he wasn't.

"Come on get your body moving! You should be thankful that I even employed you to work here so move it!" The snarky woman yelled. The teen, Naruto, resisted retorting and decided to begin work instead. Her words had some truth to it for she was the only one to take pity on his sorry self and employ him. She wasn't faithful in his paycheck payment though, he received his wages as when she felt up to it.

After a day of hard labour despite working in a coffee shop, Naruto finally trudged home with his bike dragging along beside him. "Tadaima." The blonde called out to the emptiness of his house. The place was a small rooftop apartment, nothing to be proud of, but it was the only place he could afford.

He washed his hands and boiled water for instant ramen. After the excruciating three minute wait, he was set to eat. After his meal, he went to the small TV he owned and inserted a tape into the DVD outlet. He skipped the tape to the part he loved best and stood up. Michael Jackson played from the speakers as a man danced to the rhythm. He was graceful, boneless and spineless. His legs glided across the platform like it was made just for him.

Along with each step he made, Naruto danced along. His heart poured out into his movements and he became one with the dancer. The song ended and both men were panting slightly. The man's blond hair glimmered under the spotlight and his blue eyes shone. He looked just like Naruto save for the whisker marks. Naruto collapsed to the floor and hugged his knees as he skipped the tape again.

"The artiste of the year, Fire Awards goes to..."

There was a drumroll as the camera showed all the nominees for the famous awards.

"Namikaze Minato!"

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