10. The meeting of destiny

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The moment it was lunch break, Deidara started packing up to go to the cafeteria when he noticed that everywhere was dark. The long haired blond looked up and saw everybody in the class gathered around his table like it was a freaky cult....

"What hmm?" Deidara questioned.

"We would be classmates for a year so it is only natural we introduce ourselves." A girl with light bluish purple hair spoke. She had beautiful golden eyes and an origami rose stuck in her bun.

"Okay hmm. You know my name al- yeah- already." Deidara said.

"I am Yahiko and I draw and paint." The ginger who asked him a question earlier introduced himself first. "I would love to open a tattoo and piercing parlour sometime. Hey, do you think a piercing would suit me?" Yahiko was pretty jovial.

"Yeah hmm. Across the bridge– art is a fucking blast!– the bridge of your nose would be awesome, yeah."

"Oh no. Now you've done it." A brunet muttered, giving Deidara the kind of look that was given to someone when they did something wrong. Done what? Deidara was about to ask but was answered by Yahiko's victorious yell.

"HELL YEAH! I told you guys that nose piercings would look really good on me and now the new girl is supporting me! In your faces, ha!" Yahiko exclaimed while Itachi snorted in an attempt to hide his laughter.

Deidara's eye twitched in annoyance at Yahiko's preposterous assumption. "I am a guy, dammit! Hmm!" He yelled indignantly, causing Itachi to chuckle a bit. Deidara met his laughing face with a sharp glare that caused the Uchiha to stop laughing.

"You're a man?!" Yahiko yelled in surprise.

"You do not look like a man." A muscular guy with brown hair spoke with a bored voice. He was the brunet that spoke earlier. "Or a woman."

"Why are you insulting me?" Deidara spoke for the first time today without a grunt.

"I'm sorry, man...woman." The brunet apologized but it only caused everyone to laugh much to Deidara's chagrin.

"Oh my God! Deidara, I'm so sorry about these idiots. It is kind of like a tradition to tease newcomers so please forgive us." The girl from earlier, she was the only girl in the class, apologized on everybody's behalf.

"Hmm!" Deidara hummed defiantly.

"I am Konan and I play the saxophone. I like origami art though because it is awesome." The girl, now Konan, introduced herself.

"Uzumaki Nagato." A quiet redhead introduced himself. He had been laughing behind his palm at Deidara's expense earlier as if he was trying not to laugh but couldn't control it.

"Call me Hidan No Fucking Last Name because last names suck major balls. So tell me, what blood type are you?" A boy with silver slicked back hair and magenta eyes licked his lips with a crazy grin. Wow, his speech so colourful.

"Don't listen to him." Nagato warned, earning him a betrayed (albeit playful) look from Hidan. Deidara listened and decided not to answer Hidan's question about his blood type. Why did he ask anyway?

"Kakuzu. Money is my hobby." The brunet that jested him earlier spoke up after Hidan.

"Kakuzu-chan, money is not everything in life." Hidan lectured, causing everyone in the room to roll their eyes as if they were expecting this to happen sooner or later. "Jashin would give you salvation and blessings if you just accept him."

Who is Jashin?

"No one wants to join your bloodthirsty cult, Hidan." Kakuzu muttered dryly.

"It is not a cult, it is a religion!" Hidan defended.

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