19. Hatake Kakashi

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Yosh! Let's get Kakashi's intro and back story done and start the story plot!

Should Izumi be a transfer student or college (freshman) student?

I have equal number of votes for each and I just need a tie breaker. Please vote for one. Enjoy the story!


It was the job of the male ballerina (that sounds awkward) to make the females graceful and elegant. To normal eyes, the female dancers held and carried the grace and beauty of ballet. While that was true on some level, it was the male that brought out that essence.

A ballerina might not be too good but with a good partner, she would shine brightly on the stage. Kakashi was just that. He was a very excellent dancer and had the ability to make his partners shine. Not only in ballet but in other dances as well. It didn't help that he was a heartthrob even though that made no sense at all.

Kakashi, silver hair and onyx eyes, had never revealed his face to anybody. He always had a surgical mask covering half his facial features so nobody could see Kakashi in a crowd without his mask and say 'hey, there's Kakashi!'

Like all geniuses and talented people in shonen mangas and anime, Kakashi also had a dumb (read: very dumb) self proclaimed rival. Uchiha Obito was his name. How he detested that clumsy creature.

The Uchiha stuck out like a sore thumb amongst other Uchihas. For one, he was buoyant and energetic in contrast to the normal cool and calm demeanor that most Uchihas exuded. For two, the boy was utterly talentless in an extreme contrast to the other Uchihas. Obito had the grace of a swan high on cocaine.

The main reason Obito did ballet was because of Nohara Rin. Rin was Obito's childhood friend and love interest and despite what Kakashi might say, the three of them were best friends.

Obito tried his best to beat Kakashi at dancing (mostly because he wanted to use it as courting dance) so he worked hard. Where his talent failed, his determination and persistence made up for it.

Kakashi had a teacher that cared for him just like a father would. Minato was a very kind man with a scary but caring wife, Kushina and a little boy named Naruto. He considered the tiny Minato as his little brother.

For once Kakashi felt the semblance of happiness in his life. That was until everything came burning down.

It first started with the night Minato and Kushina were murdered. They were both stabbed to death in their house and all evidence led to Naruto, their son. Kakashi and his friends knew that this was not possible but what could they do when Naruto's fingerprints were all over the knife?

Naruto was put in a juvenile center as he was still a minor. Everything that concerned Naruto was strangely cut off so nobody knew of the boy's whereabouts after he was released from the juvenile center.

It was around that time that Kakashi decided that he loved teaching dance while Obito and Rin got into the Fire nation's biggest opera house. The silveret started his career with dance studios. He applied to KSA (mostly because Sarutobi forced...compelled him) and that was where he met his colleagues and friends.

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