6. Recuperative class

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Hi, I am back! Thank you all for waiting for me and for wishing me well. 💞 I really appreciate your well wishes and comments, they made me so happy reading them. 😊💞😊

Xxx Symphony xxX

The black haired girl wrote her name in bold letters on the white board and smiled real wide. "Hello!" She waved cheerfully. "My name is Yukata and I sing. I like singing and singing and singing! I want to be a really great singer when I grow up!" Yukata's friend face palmed at her incredibly childish and embarrassing introduction but Yukata didn't seem to mind.

Her friend was up next. She had short mouse brown hair and black coal eyes and a grin which wasn't as wide as her friend's but cheerful nevertheless. "My name is Matsuri. I sing and my hobbies are practicing with my javelin spear and practicing my vocal chords." Matsuri introduced briefly and assumed her seat.

"Yo! I'm Inuzuka Kiba and I dance." The wild looking boy that danced at the audition introduced with a big toothy grin. He had brown hair and unique slit eyes. Two red triangles decorated the skin of his cheeks that had Naruto wondering if they were tattoos or birthmarks.

The next person was a black boy licking lollipop. Unfortunately, the lollipop didn't sit well with the class rules so he was forced to thrash it. "My name is Omoi, I play the drums and bass and I wish I had my candy back." He introduced and turned towards Iruka with pleading eyes.

"No can do Omoi, it's in the class rules." Iruka refused.

"But sensei, if eating during classes is disallowed what if one day everybody forgot to eat breakfast? Then they would come to school looking dull and since eating is disallowed they would start chewing their fingers. And when they finish their fingers, they turn on the next person to them and when that happens we have a zombie apocalypse!" Omoi actually looked serious saying all of that which was funny because Iruka was disoriented just for some moments.

"Go to your seat Omoi. Next person."

The next person was a black girl, the one wearing a bandanna on her head. "I am Karui and unfortunately I am Omoi's twin sister. I play the keyboard." She said and hopped off the teacher's platform. At this point nobody was telling about their goals anymore, just their names and what they do.

"I am Konoha's handsome blue devil, Rock Lee!" Yelled a boy with black shiny hair in a bowl cut and the thickest eyebrows ever known to man. He was the one who replied Naruto when he introduced himself to the class earlier that day.

"Akimichi Choji." Munch munch munch. "I sing." Another munch and Iruka told him to trash the potato chips he was holding. Choji was a chubby boy with auburn hair and red swirls on each of his cheeks. The boy looked at Iruka like it was the end of the world when he was told to trash his chips but Iruka remained firm in his decision. Choji though, was smart and unable to part with his chips so he downed everything in three large gulps and trashed the wrap into the bin.

Iruka heaved a sigh and called the next person. It was Shikamaru from the auditions. Naruto could never forget his performance that easily because it was awesome. After Shikamaru came the girl with two buns. She wore sweat pants under her school uniform skirt.

"I am Tenten and I dance." Tenten introduced. Although her voice was adorably girly and maybe squeaky, the aura that radiated from her screamed 'mess with me and I'll dance in your grave.' She seemed to be a tomboy. It was finally Naruto's turn to introduce himself.

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