40. Tamaki

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Just noting it here for future references; I made changes to their number in the class so they are now 22 overall (dumb class + genius class) instead of 50.


The way his bow glided upon the strings of his violin was fascinating. Tamaki always found herself enraptured whenever she heard Hyuga Neji play his musical instrument. Like him she played the strings, cello to be exact, but she could never be as good as he was.

Tamaki was very good at blending into the background and just being the townsperson B; never a main character. Her choice of musical instrument was not meant for the spotlight. Cellos were supporting instruments that give the violins a back up in an orchestra.

Kakashi-sensei said that the support dancers are the backbones of a performance but that applied to dance alone, didn't it? There was no way she would be a good back up with her wonky skills.

"He's awesome, right?"

"Uh?" Tamaki turned to the owner of the voice that intruded her thoughts and blushed. It was Haku, one of the most handsome boys in her grade that spoke to her.

Said boy sat next to her and propped his head on his palms, resting his elbows on his thighs. "Tama-chan, you were looking at him as if you wanted a brain transplant with him as the donor." Haku chuckled softly  Tamaki's surprised sputtering.

On the other hand, the brunette was surprised that he knew her name. They had never had any interaction with each other until now it was strange. Even stranger when he bopped her nose to bring her out of la-la land!

"It's so easy to be envious of Neji-chan's skills and I don't mean the toxic kind of envy, just the admiration kind. Just look at him." The two of them went back to staring at Neji as he moved according to the rhythm of his instrument. A small smile endowed his face even.

"It's like he never misses a note!" Tamaki said in awe. "He goes on and on and in like he is not conscious of how he's playing, unlike me. I get so anxious about whether I am pressing the right string or applying the right pressure to my bow, I'm just so..." Her words trailed off with a sigh.

"You know, I used to feel that way until I saw Neji-chan's playing in another light. You, my friend, are toxic towards your instrument." Haku judged.

"Toxic?!" Tamaki scowled.

"Yes. You're not free with it, you don't enjoy it. You enjoy other people's music but not yours and why? Because you feel that you're inferiorly skilled?" The boy kept his eyes on hers to get his message across. "Have you ever seen a child who just learned how to play Mary had a little lamb before? Despite not being the best at it, they give off this aura that makes you happy even if the song is scratchy to the ears."

Tamaki thought she knew where Haku was veering to and she was correct.

"Being good at something starts from what you think about it. Make peace with your instrument and you'd see the difference. It's time for my presentation, wish me luck!" And he was gone from Tamaki's side like the wind.

The girl caught Neji's curious gaze on her but it was carried away before she could do anything. The class president turned his attention towards Haku instead. His raised brow asked silently why he was feeling holes drilling into his head while he played. Haku shrugged and climbed on the platform.

This season in the school year was a season of competitions. If there was a ballet and piano competition, there was obviously going to be a strings competition and Asuma-sensei was drilling it into their heads already to do their best. Their accompanist was going to be the one and only Itachi-senpai which made them feel like celebrities already.

Tamaki looked at the bow in her hand and the cello between her legs. She decided to take Haku's advice and be at peace with her musical instrument...but how?

Xxx symphony xxX

A pair of onyx eyes watched Deidara as he painted his clay figure to life. Nope, it wasn't Itachi– the raven had learnt his lesson from spending freaking hours admiring at the blond's artwork only for him to blow it up with nitroglycerin. This was Tobi.

The strange boy was a sculptor like Deidara and Sasori and most of his artwork included strange statues he called a 'Gedo Mazo'. Most of the time, the statue consists of a weird head that has nine arms and nine eyes and could sometimes take the form of a rabbit-ish sort of creature...only Tobi knew what weird shit he was sculpting.

Tobi watched as Deidara coated the clay spider with a thick yellowish paint, all the while cackling like a cartoon witch. What was funny?! Even Tobi couldn't understand the dynamics of his classmate's brain.

"Art is a blast un! Katsu!" The blond's sudden yell startled him but not as much as the way he threw the spider he had spent days– DAYS!– creating violently against the wall. A small explosion followed the shock and blew the poor clay figure into bits.

"Deidara-senpai is weird." Tobi commented and naturally, Deidara took offense in that statement.

"You're one to talk un!" He retorted. "This is my -my beautiful- my art, hmm. Art is an explosion, yeah. Screw you."

Sometimes Deidara's words were difficult to understand because of his tourette's syndrome but his classmates and teachers managed. The blond went to get a broom to pack the shattered clay pieces with. Too bad the spot the spider landed would remain black until repainted. Luckily, there was no fire.

"I want to see more of your art." Tobi suddenly spoke, dropping the third person speech form he normally used. His voice also grew deeper and Deidara noticed the change. He was about to point it out when he registered Tobi's words.

"Wait...you want to see more of my art?!" A grin stretched the blond's face. He had a fan! Deidara played it cool though and pocketed his hands. "So you recognise true art when you see one, un? That's good, yeah. I wouldn't want to- want to- disappoint my loyal fan un, so I'd show you my collection, yeah."

"You mean the ones you haven't blown up yet?" Sasori walked into the studio with his tools for wood carving and an unfinished doll in his hands. "Tobi, don't give him a swell head. His art is ridiculous." The redhead chose a workbench and dropped his stuff.

Of course his words pissed Deidara off, why wouldn't it?! "Sasori-danna un!" He grunted. "Your views of art is so wrong, yeah. Art is short, which is why we must appreciate it while it -bless you- while it lasts hmm."

"Brat, art is eternal. It was supposed to be appreciated for as long as you live. You're the kind to die young." Sasori monotonously refuted his classmate's view of art but as usual it only turned to a long argument that Tobi was unfortunately caught up in.

"Tobi, who's correct between us un?" Deidara asked.

"Is art eternal or fleeting?" Sasori asked.

Tobi dramatically placed a finger on his chin thoughtfully as he thought of an answer.


Sasori and Deidara anime fell. Well that settled their argument...for now.


Mah, I'm sorry for the short and boring chapter. A writer threw a block on my head so I can't form anything decent (That was horrible! 😂😂😂).

See you later.

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