33. Tobi is a good boy and the Zetsu twins are weirdos

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Chapter warning: Hidan's filthy mouth.


The door bust open and in came Hidan followed by Kakuzu into the classroom. The former looked really pissed but knowing him, it was probably for something stupid.

"I am in a bat shit kinda crappy mode right now so nobody fucking talk to my ass!"

"Wow Hidan, it's the first time we've seen in weeks and you say that. Just wow."

Kakuzu sighed. He considered taking his best friend (don't tell Hidan he said that) to a priest and then pour holy water down his throat. Hidan needed it. He also needed it but Hidan needed it more.

"What happened?" Kisame straight out ignored the silver haired teen's request not to be spoken to and asked him a question. He knew that Hidan would answer.

"I had a fucking rude awakening call this morning! Finally got down and dirty with Cardi and my asshat shit bag alarm took it from me! I oughta fucking burn this school down till it's the perfect place for Lucifer to live in!" Hidan raved true to Kisame's thoughts.

"Then you'd just be transferred to another school, stupid." Kakuzu deadpanned.

"It is so you to like Cardi B." Kisame shook his head and went back to the book about sharks he was reading.

"I said not to talk to me! What a loada elephant shit." Hidan huffed and placed his head his the table with a bang. "I am going to the land of the dead!" He declared and fell asleep seconds later.

"Good morning good people!" Yahiko bust into the classroom but in a more cheerful manner than Hidan did. He had a big grin on his face that matched the smile on the beanie he wore. The weather was still cold out.

"Morning." Konan greeted silently unlike her loud boyfriend.

"Morning." Nagato, the third member in their triad (as Kisame often joked) followed after them. (My phone just auto corrected Kisame as Kiss me 😂)

"Morning." Itachi greeted back. He was the first to arrive in the class and had been silently observing everything that happened.

"Morn." Sasori also greeted back. He was usually silent so it was easy to forget that he was somewhere when he wasn't being impatient. Few minutes passed in silence and the door bust open again. This time, it hit the wall with a loud bang that startled Hidan awake and Konan off her seat.

"DANNA UN!" Guess who?

"Fucking Dora, you interrupted my slip you cunt- #@$#∆!" Hidan's irritated curses were cut off by Kakuzu who hit Itachi's hard cover notebook on his head. He went back to sleep with a thud.

"Somebody didn't get their morning coffee." Yahiko commented amusedly while the rest of the class reprimanded Deidara for his flashy entrance.

"Sorry un! Anyway, Danna, did something happen- katsu!- happen with your - with your cousin?! I saw him just now and he looked just like you do when- when you're waiting for someone to vacate a cubicle in the boy's toilet un."

Everybody laughed at Sasori's expense and Deidara's words. Impatient Sasori was very amusing to watch when his anger wasn't directed at you. Somehow though, Deidara was immune to the redhead's glares and sharp words.

The blond's eyes narrowed in disgust at the heavy book Itachi was currently reading. "Nerd." He accused.

"Is it your mission to pick a fight with me, Deidara?" The calm teen asked without even looking up from the book to acknowledge his self proclaimed rival.

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