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Konichinwa minna-san, yorushiku!

Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you.

So this would be my second fan fiction and it would be a NaruHina modern AU. If you like my writing by the end of this book, you can go to my profile and read my NejiTen historical AU; The Girl With Two Buns and my AU fan fiction short story Best friend.

If you also want to read something other than fan fiction, you can read my other books if you like. It would be awesome if you do. Anywho, let's discuss the rules.

Who reads this stuff? Hello? You there?! Good!

1. I do not own Naruto or the media displayed in this book. Credits to the awesome Masashi Kishimoto and artists.

2. This story is mine! It wouldn't be nice if I decide to read a fan fiction and I find my story in another person's story. Please don't plagiarize. Arigato.

3. This is optional but please vote and review and if you want you can follow me for more stories!

4. If you want to talk or give ideas, you are free to do so. Also feel free to point out mistakes but no hate speech please.

5. I do not hate any character in Naruto (other than Danzo😒) but they need to be the way they are in the book for the story's development.

6. Nah I've got nothing. You actually read this?! Wow, this means you read the terms and conditions before signing up for anything (especially Google).

7. Sit back and enjoy the story!

Symphony (Konoha School Of Arts)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora