Environmental and Gender issues

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How People Disregard the Environment

1. Littering

2. Noise Pollution

3. Garbage Disposal (remains a big concern)

4. Increasing Population

5. Burning and burying garbage

6. Smoking in public (not just affect the environment but the health as well)

7. Deforestation in some part of Cavite

8. the use of plastics

9. Irrigation Problems

10. Pollutants and soil degradation

Calamities cause by disregarding Environment

1. Floods

2. Pollutions (that affect the living and health)

3. Stronger Typhoons/Storms/Hurricanes (cause by climate change)

4. Landslides/Erosions

5. Wildfires

6. Droughts

7. Mudflows

8. Rising sea level

9. severe disruption of human life and Extinction of Animals

10. Calamities in the ocean (Oil spill etc.)

Jobs that not previously performed by women

1. Being a  Driver

2. Physicians

3. Surgeons

4. Firefighters

5. Sheet Metal Workers

6. Aircraft Pilots

7. Chefs and Head Cooks

8. Being Leaders (President)

9.  Engineers

10. Police/Army

Exclusively for women only

1.  Sexy Car Models

2.  Cosmetic Models

3.  Nun

4.  Round Girls in Sport games

5.  Midwife

6. Women and Children Protection Desk (lead by a policewoman)

7. National Consultant for Strategy Development with government agencies (under UN Women)

8. Beauty Queens

9.  Surrogate mother

10. Being a Mother itself

Gender issues

1. Public comfort rooms (for LGBT)

2.  Same Sex Marriage (for LGBT)

3. gender stigmatization

4. Gender Equality

5. Standard Set by the Society

5 reason why Catholic is against RH law

1. they believed that it is a Anti-life bill (because of contraceptives)

2. It limits and Alienate the population 

3. they said "Contraception is corruption" (they said that population is not the problem but instead is the government leaders who being corrupt in our country)

4. these are short-term benefits from the Church's viewpoint.

5. The Church always looks at things from a long perspective—in fact, from the viewpoint of eternity (using bible as the standard)

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