I am a Jobseeker

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I always heard many people always talk about their jobs and some other complaining about having a hard time on their work, sometimes the impression they give about finding a job and working with other people especially the big bosses make me feel worried about what would happen to me after I graduated in college or Am I ready for it ?. My father told me that looking for a job is not easy and it can be a long process that is why I need to ready myself to boost my confidence and work on how I  speak and interact with other people. He gave me tips that I should learn and work on before facing my first ever interview or if I already have a job. One of that is improving my first contact, how? through practice, he told me that I should practice to step up confidently, smile and show grip in terms of hand shaking and eye contact. He also said that I need to learn how to visualize and use it as my advantage before going to my interview not only I could use it in the interview but it will help me as well when I already have a job. I should envision meeting people before I actually do, to strengthen my confidence and create a positive scenario in my  mind  and that will help ensure a positive outcome in reality. My father working in his company as a coordinator for a couple of years already that's how he managed to strengthen his capabilities and ability to show his passion and willingness to do his job. He told me that the company wants an employee who is loyal to them that's why if I work in the future I should set a goal that is mutually beneficial to myself and to my employer so that I could last for years in my chosen field of job.

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