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Arch Welding Robot

Environment:  formed by two subsystems: the welding equipment delivering the energy from the welding power source to the workpiece, and the robot providing relative positioning of the heat source and the workpiece.

Mechanism:  uses a process which applies intense heat to metal at a joint, causing the metal to melt and intermix.

Application:  Welding was performed as a two-pass weld system, in which the first pass was dedicated to learning the seam geometry and was then followed by the actual tracking and welding of the seam in the second pass.

Nao Robot

Environment: The environment was set up under the Windows 8.1. We've tried to set it up under the Xubuntu 14.04 at the first place, but it turned out that NAO controller for Webots is not working correctly and Aldebaran knows about it and, supposably, .

Mechanism: A mechanism made of two coupled joints at each hip equips the pelvis. The rotation axis of these two joints is inclined at 45◦ towards the body. It replaces the classical set of three active rotary joints seen in most humanoid robots.

Application: NAO robot attracts the public and performs interactive presentations with images, sounds, video, and quizzes.


Environment: All AIBOs are bundled with AIBOLife software giving the robot a personality, the ability to walk, "see" its environment via camera and recognize spoken commands (English and Spanish, or Japanese).

Mechanism: The Aibo using a handshake mechanism, and sends an appropriate command to the robot.

Application: The project provides an AEP-like application (AiBO+ Client) to connect to the robot under Ubuntu Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android

WMCH Drone

Environment: Hovering at around 200m, drones are capable of taking crystal-clear images of any environment on any day of the year, unrestricted by cloud cover. They can also be armed with meteorological apparatus such as wind gauges, thermometers and humidity or pressure sensors allowing them to gather climate data.

Mechanism: use rotors for propulsion and control.

Application: Drones are now being used to capture footage that would otherwise require expensive helicopters and cranes.

Robot Vacuum

Environment: An electric motor inside the appliance turns a fan which creates a partial vacuum and causes outside air to rush into the evacuated space . This forces any dirt or dust near the nozzle into a bag inside the machine or attached to the outside.

Mechanism:  The design of most robot vacuums consists of one or two spinning brushes and a rolling brush or two. These work in conjunction to bring large and small debris inwards to the center where the vacuum mechanism sucks it up into the waste bin of the device.

Application: robotic vacuum uses a radar range finder to map your home's floor plan

Colias Robot

Environment: represent a fascinating, bio-inspired concept which provides a robust and flexible robotics system by exploiting large numbers of robots.

Mechanism: uses a circular platform with a diameter of 4 cm. Long-range infrared modules with adjustable output power allow the robot to communicate with its direct neighbours.

Application: an autonomous micro robot for swarm robotic applications.

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