Mahayana Buddhism

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Mahayana Buddhism

The Mahayana Buddhism 

The followers of Buddha during his lifetime people have different perspectives for wanting to practice his teachings, It could be the reason why buddhism is divided in different circle of beliefs such as Mahaya buddhism itself, Theravada and many more. Defining what mahayana buddhism is , we need to consider defining the theravada Buddhism as well, since it is the completely opposite of the mahayana traditions. Mahayana buddhism is a diverse tradition and along with theravada buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism is one of the most foundational tenants of buddhism and it is also believe that buddha is a supernational being who always intervene on humans salvation while theravada believes that Buddha is an ordinary person with just a extraordinary insight on things. Both traditional belief have different ways on doing their practices, one of the example is their meditation practices and belief interm of what path will lead them to salvation. Mahayana believes that the path of bodhisatva will lead them to salvation while the other one ( theravada) believe the path that will lead them to salvation is arhat. Mahayana tradition is really wide and there were lots of information, history, facts and theories that needed to explain to understand the whole goals and definition of mahayana tradition/beliefs

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